Image demonstrating Phased return to school for Northumberland children

Phased return to school for Northumberland children

31 Dec 2020

Information about returning to school in Northumberland, following announcements made by government yesterday.

Photo of Stephen Holmes

Council officer awarded MBE for Covid efforts

30 Dec 2020

The council’s former service director for adult social care has been honoured in the New Year’s Honours List.   

Image demonstrating Government places North East in Tier 4

Government places North East in Tier 4

30 Dec 2020

Statement from all LA7 leaders on the North East being placed into Tier 4 restrictions.

Image demonstrating Appeal to find owners of severely neglected dog found in Ashington 

Appeal to find owners of severely neglected dog found in Ashington 

23 Dec 2020

An appeal is being made to members of the public to come forward if they have any information about a dog that has been found abandoned and in poor condition in the Ashington area. 

Recycling at Christmas

Residents encouraged to have a green Christmas

22 Dec 2020

Households in Northumberland are encouraged to practice effective recycling this Christmas season.

Northumberland Lottery logo

Support Northumberland charities this Christmas

22 Dec 2020

Are you looking to support a local charity this Christmas? 

Budget consultation logo

Ask your questions on council's draft budget plans

22 Dec 2020

Residents are being invited to ask questions on next year’s draft budget proposals – at a special live Q+A session. 

Business grant update words, and photo of bank notes

Second phase of business support grant schemes underway

21 Dec 2020

The second versions of schemes to support businesses which have been severely impacted by COVID-19 restrictions are underway in Northumberland. 

Statement from Directors of Public Health

Keep following the basics to keep the virus at bay

21 Dec 2020

The region's Directors of Public Health have tonight issued a joint statement on the new strain of coronavirus.

Photo of taxi sign

Second grant support scheme for taxi drivers launched

19 Dec 2020

If you’re a self-employed taxi driver based in Northumberland you could be eligible for a new and second grant scheme which has just been opened for applications. 

Image demonstrating Government decision to keep North East in Tier 3

Government decision to keep North East in Tier 3

17 Dec 2020

The North East's leaders have reacted to the government's decision to keep the region under the very high Tier 3 restrictions.

Picture of glasses of beer

Applications open for support grant for ‘wet-led’ pubs

17 Dec 2020

Applications have opened today for support grants for pubs in Northumberland which derive less than half of their income from food sales. 

Deadline extended graphic

Business grant schemes re-open for more applications

17 Dec 2020

Three grant schemes in Northumberland have reopened, and the county council is urging any business which believes that it might be eligible for funding support to apply within the extended deadline.

Photo of Cllr Sanderson in car park

Car park time limits to be eased to support shoppers and traders

15 Dec 2020

The council is helping to ease some of the stresses and pressures on those who are out last-minute Christmas shopping by relaxing time limits within its free town centre car parks.

Image demonstrating Beware of Government grant scam emails 

Beware of Government grant scam emails 

14 Dec 2020

Northumberland County Council’s Trading Standards Service is urging businesses to be on their guard for scam emails offering monetary grants.  

Image demonstrating Council launches scheme to support taxi drivers in Northumberland

Council launches scheme to support taxi drivers in Northumberland

14 Dec 2020

Taxi drivers In Northumberland who have suffered a loss of income due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions can now apply for a one-off £500 grant. 

Image demonstrating Residents' views sought on council's draft budget plans

Residents' views sought on council's draft budget plans

11 Dec 2020

Residents are being invited to have their say on next year’s draft budget proposals. 

Lynemouth pollution

Lynemouth coast clean-up scheme set for planning

11 Dec 2020

The council is to apply for planning permission to allow the main clean up works to get underway to tackle the historic pollution at Lynemouth. 

Black and white photo of a woman

New research reveals impact of Covid on North East lives

09 Dec 2020

New research commissioned by the seven North East councils reveals how people across the region feel about Covid-19 and local restrictions - with over half admitting that while they want to follow the rules, they ‘find it hard’ to stick to social distancing guidelines.  

Image demonstrating Stay Cybersafe when buying online this Christmas  

Stay Cybersafe when buying online this Christmas  

07 Dec 2020

Online Christmas deals might not always be the bargains they seem to be warns Northumberland County Council’s Trading Standards. 

Covid Community Champion sign

Could you be a Northumberland Community Champion?

04 Dec 2020

Northumberland County Council is encouraging residents, workplace representatives and community and voluntary groups to sign up to become Northumberland Community Champions. 

Image demonstrating State-of-the-art Ponteland Leisure Centre opens 

State-of-the-art Ponteland Leisure Centre opens 

02 Dec 2020

The new state-of-the-art Ponteland Leisure Centre is due to open its doors to the public for the first time on December 2, however due to Tier 3 restrictions in Northumberland, only limited facilities will be operational. 

Image demonstrating Animal welfare team given RSPCA gold stamp of approval 

Animal welfare team given RSPCA gold stamp of approval 

25 Nov 2020

   Animal Welfare Officers in Northumberland have been given the gold stamp of approval by the RSPCA for their work with stray dogs.   

Image demonstrating Grant available to kick start community led affordable housing schemes  

Grant available to kick start community led affordable housing schemes  

25 Nov 2020

  A fund that is available to assist community led affordable housing schemes across the county is reaping real results for local people, and there is still money left in the pot to support similar community projects. 

Photo of post-it note saying apply now

Further business support grant scheme launched

23 Nov 2020

Businesses which remained open during late September and October this year, but were severely impacted by the Covid rules which restricted socialising, can now apply for a support grant.