Includes: Holy Island crossing timetable, sustainable transport and travel, transport policies and programmes, cycling, passenger transport operators, concessionary travel and bus travel.
Find out about applying for, replacing and renewing your bus pass here. Northumberland County Council participates in the government’s English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS).
Safe times to cross to and from Holy Island.
There are many reasons to travel by bus in Northumberland.
Community transport is usually developed for specific needs. It is run by volunteers for the local community on a not-for-profit basis.
Northumberland's cycle routes and cycleways, route maps and a journey planner to help you plan your route.
Northumberland County Council promotes sustainable transport under the Go Smarter banner. Find out more about the Go Smarter Go active initiative.
Information on the Northumberland Line improving connectivity and accessibility in South East Northumberland.
The council's third local transport plan (LTP) covers the period from April 2011 to 2026.
Funded by UK Government active travel corridors in Hexham to Corbridge and West to East Bedlington.
Are you interested in becoming a passenger transport operator for the council? The first step is becoming an 'approved supplier'. This page will guide you through the application process.