Adult social care

Here you will find information about adult social care services, providers and facilities.


Image showing Adult social care information sheets

Adult social care information sheets

Information about how we arrange care and support for people who need it.

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Image showing Care & support for adults

Care & support for adults

Information about support for adults at home including short-term support after an accident or hospital stay, equipment and adaptations to help you stay independent at home, support for carers, information about residential and nursing homes, and information about paying for care and support.

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Image showing Adults safeguarding

Adults safeguarding

What to do if you are concerned about a vulnerable adult who is at risk of neglect or abuse in Northumberland.

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Image showing Shared Lives

Shared Lives

Shared Lives is an alternative form of care, support and accommodation to home care and care homes for people in need of support.  

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Image showing Tell us how we are doing

Tell us how we are doing

Information about our consultations, ratings for our registered services, and how to send adult services a complaint, comment or compliment.

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Image showing How to contact adult services

How to contact adult services

Information about the different ways you can contact adult social care.

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Image showing Information for professionals

Information for professionals

Adult social care information for professionals in Northumberland.

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Image showing The Northumberland Guarantee for home care workers

The Northumberland Guarantee for home care workers

New reasons to consider a job as a home care worker, visiting people who need care and support in their own homes.

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Image showing Arranging your own care and support with Direct Payments

Arranging your own care and support with Direct Payments

Information about how you can use Direct Payments to arrange your own care and support

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Image showing Day services for adults with learning disabilities

Day services for adults with learning disabilities

Here you will find useful information and services for people who have a disability.

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