Here you will find information about the council, its policies, procedures and partner organisations.
Popular tasks right now
Here are the various ways you can get in touch with us.
My Northumberland Account is a free, interactive and secure online service that will make it easier and more convenient for you to access council services online.
Learn about the different senior management roles within the council.
Here you will find maps relating to our services and to the county's public rights of way.
View the current job opportunities at Northumberland County Council.
Working for Northumberland County Council
We’re committed to making sure all council services are accessible and free from prejudice and discrimination.
Here you will find links to Northumberland County Council's financial information.
Here you will find information on our policies, strategies and plans.
Here you will find links to information about who we partner with.
Current projects delivered by the council
As a public-funded organisation, we have a duty to residents to be transparent in how council tax money is spent, our business operations and outcomes.
Here we provide information about internal audits, the role of the Lead Executive Director and risk management directives.
Information about accessibility on our site using screen readers and other software, help using a mouse or keyboard.
Nationality checking service provided by local authorities to check UK applications for British citizenship and British passports.
Find out how to support Ukraine in Northumberland.
This deal would see significant funds and powers transferred to the North East, where a new combined authority headed by an elected metro mayor would be formed.