Safeguarding disabled children & young people

Information to help professionals working with, or caring for disabled children and young people in safeguarding and promoting welfare.

Information to help professionals working with, or caring for disabled children and young people in safeguarding and promoting welfare.

See also the information on our Children’s Safeguarding page.

Children with a disability are children first and foremost, and deserving of the same rights and protection as other children. By definition, any child with a disability should also be considered as a child in need.

A child can be considered to be disabled if they have significant problems with learning, communication, comprehension, vision, hearing or physical functioning. The child may also have a diagnosis from a medical professional.

Whilst disabled children are likely to suffer much the same types of abuse as other children, research suggests that disabled children are 3 to 4 times more likely to be abused than non- disabled children.

Research has also shown that children with communication impairments, behavioural disorders, learning disabilities and sensory impairments are particularly vulnerable.

The most common forms of abuse experienced by disabled children are neglect and emotional abuse, although they may experience multiple forms of abuse.

Disclosing abuse can be more difficult for children who have a wide range of communication styles, and this can be more problematic if a perpetrator is also in a trusted role.

Ensuring disabled children’s wellbeing is everybody’s responsibility and it is critical that all practitioners are aware of the potential vulnerability of disabled children and to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns.

The disabled children's team can be contacted at:
  • Tel: (01670) 536400
Referrals to: Disabled Children Team
Eddie Ferguson House
Ridley Street
NE24 3RG
SEND information, advice and support can be found here.
Information from the Challenging Behaviour Foundation can be found here.
  • For safeguarding concerns about a child, call Onecall: 01670 536400
  • For any professional or parent/carer with a mental health concern about a child:
    • CYPS: 01670 502700
    • Universal Crisis Team (formally ICTS): 0303 123 1146
    • Secure email:
Did you know that disabled children and young people (DC&YP) are 3-4 times more likely to be abused and neglected than non-disabled children and young people and more likely to experience multiple types and episodes of abuse?

NCASP is committed to promoting an understanding of the vulnerability of DC&YP to abuse/neglect and seeking assurance that partners are working well together to promote the welfare of DC&YP and respond in a robust, timely way when there are safeguarding concerns.

To find out more:
Safeguarding Disabled Children - Guide (SWAY)
Teaching slides - for use by any agency

YouTube This is Me 
NCASP Disabled Children and Young People Sub-Group - contact: