School improvement service

The school improvement service is part of the education service within the children’s services group.

Annual reports from the Director of Education & Skills on the state of education in Northumberland are published here.

What is the Northumberland Education & Skills Annual Report?

Northumberland County Council publishes the annual report for schools, academies and residents as a chance to celebrate the many successes that our education services have had in the previous academic year and to detail our priorities and challenges for the year ahead.

We work hard to improve the quality of education across Northumberland and our effectiveness is frequently noted in Ofsted reports, and by key partners such as the Regional Schools Commissioner and other local authorities.

We are proud to say that Northumberland has some of the best schools, headteachers and educational facilities in the country and we continue to invest heavily in education and skills in the county. 

We know that we have the potential to be one of the highest-performing and most effective local authorities in the country and the Annual Education & Skills Report details the progress we are making each year towards that ambition.