How to contact adult services

Information about the different ways you can contact adult social care.

Onecall is one number for all adult social care, children's services and safeguarding in Northumberland.

  • Phone: 01670 536 400 
  • Email address: 
  • If you have speech or hearing difficulties, you can use Relay UK to contact us by dialling 018001 01670 536400 you can find more information about Relay UK here. 

You can contact adult social care by telephone or email via Onecall. If you are worried about an adult's welfare who lives in Northumberland, contact our Onecall service. 

If you need medical advice and support fast, but it’s not life threatening, call your GP or NHS 111. 

You should always call 999 in an emergency- for example when someone’s life is at risk, or someone is seriously injured or critically ill.  

What is Onecall?

Onecall brings together staff from Northumberland County Council’s adult services and children’s services, and partners in Northumbria Police. Our priority is providing help at the earliest opportunity before the situation becomes more serious. 

When do I use it? 

Onecall aims to help the most vulnerable people to keep safe and well 24 -7. 

For example, if you need help or advice with: 

  • Living safely and independently at home. 
  • Looking after someone who is ill or disabled. 
  • Caring for a child or young person. 
  • Family support if you are concerned about a child or young person. 
  • Reporting abuse or neglect of a child or adult. 
  • Finding alternatives if you can’t live at home. 
  • Recovering from an illness or injury at home. 


A needs assessment is a detailed discussion with a trained member of staff, which will produce a written statement of what your needs are, and what you can do to reduce them, or prevent them from getting worse.

If your care and support needs are having a significant impact on your wellbeing, a needs assessment may tell you that you are entitled to assistance from the council. 

You don’t have to have a needs assessment to get advice about what support may be available, you may prefer to start by asking for advice.  You will then be able to make an informed decision about whether a full needs assessment would be worth your while at present. 

A needs assessment is essential if you want the council to pay for long-term care and support services, but if you only need advice, immediate practical help, or equipment or adaptations to your home, you don't have to have a full needs assessment. 

How to ask for advice or a needs assessment

Phone us on 01670 536 400 

Or email  

You don’t have to decide in advance whether you want advice or a needs assessment – you can ask for a discussion about that when you contact us.