Ashington Regeneration

Join us at either one of two public drop-in events at the YMCA, Ashington on 18 and 22 May (see 'Engagement events & consultation' below for more info).


Our vision for the town

It’s an exciting time for Ashington with the announcement of a £30 million regeneration programme aimed at revitalising the town centre.

This will build on the opportunities created by the re-opening of rail passenger services at Ashington Station on the new Northumberland Line and the construction of a ‘Gen Zero’ learning campus for Northumberland College at Wansbeck Business Park.  

The Ashington Regeneration Programme aims to deliver on the ambitious vision set out in the Town Investment

'Proud past, prosperous future, clean growth leader' - by 2030, Ashington will be a thriving centre for businesses, residents, learners and young people, providing thousands of quality jobs in advanced manufacturing and low carbon clean growth industries, more and better homes, excellent skills and education opportunities, an attractive leisure and culture offer, and a great quality of life for a growing and prosperous population. 

On these pages you will be able to find out the latest information about project plans as well as opportunities to get more involved. 

What will the Programme deliver? 

The projects being developed and delivered through the Programme will: 

  • Attract footfall to the town centre, generating additional spend and encouraging the community and visitors to enjoy new facilities and activities 

  • Improve pedestrian routes and connectivity between the high street, the new rail station and the wider town destinations 

  • Provide new leisure, cultural and community facilities at Wansbeck Square and Portland Park 

  • Provide the community and visitors with engaging activities and events to animate the town centre and maximise participation and enjoyment 

  • Create new employment, learning and skills opportunities particularly for young people 

  • Improve the perception of Ashington for the public and investors 

  • Support businesses to improve their digital skills and adapt to modern shopping trends and marketing opportunities 

The Ashington Regeneration Programme is being delivered by the Council and combines funding from:  UK Government - Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, UK Shared Prosperity Fund, North of Tyne Combined Authority, Northumberland County Council and Advance Northumberland.

Further information about funding is available by clicking on each project. 

Click here to find out about latest events and plans



Woodhorn colliery painted on side of building in Ashington

Engagement events and consultation

Throughout the development and delivery of the Ashington Regeneration Programme we are keen to get your views. We will post information about events, planning consultations and the latest progress to keep you up to date and involved.

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Artist impression of Wansbeck Square building and public area

Wansbeck Square Strategic Site

Wansbeck Square will be re-developed to create an attractive town centre gateway from the new railway station.

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Artist impression of Ashington grand street with pavement and a garden area of flowers and trees.

Public Realm and Connectivity

This project focuses on the demolition of an end building on Woodhorn Road to enable the creation of Grand Corner Gateway in the north east of the town centre.

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Artist impression of a cinema at Portland park

Portland Park Strategic Site

Creation of a new cinema facility and associated public realm at Portland Park.

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Ashington bus station

Town Centre Highway Infrastructure

Highway and routeway improvements to improve connectivity through the town centre.

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Ashington high street

Animating Ashington

Animating Ashington will see the development of a programme of distinctive cultural events and activities in and around the town centre.

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Young miner and father's shoulder painted on side of Ashington building

Accelerate Ashington Business Support

Accelerate Ashington is a business support package delivered by Advance Northumberland with two key elements: digital support and start-up support.

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Waymarker for Ashington

Investment Plan

The Investment Plan was developed by Northumberland County Council working with Ashington Town Board.

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Maple Street, Ashington

Hirst Masterplan

Details of plans for the Hirst area of Ashington.

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