Employability and Inclusion

Information about Pathways to Work managed by the Economy and Regeneration Service


Employability and Inclusion

The Northumberland County Council Employability and Inclusion team works with other Council services, including Northumberland Skills and Advance Northumberland, partner organisations and funders to develop and deliver a range of employment and skills programmes. These may be for those who are moving into work, looking to retain a job or progress in work, changing jobs, looking to improve skills, or are returning to the labour market.

Working in partnership

By working with a variety of delivery partners in the voluntary and community, public and private sectors, programmes can offer support to meet a wide range of needs. The links below give further information. To discuss the work of the team please contact: employabilityandinclusion@northumberland.gov.uk

Two people in suits shaking hands

Northumberland Employment and Skills Partnership

The Council’s Employment and Inclusion team in Economy and Regeneration is working with North of Tyne Combined Authority and partner Councils (Newcastle and North Tyneside) to manage local employment partnerships as a coordinated approach to make sure residents get access to the support they need to progress into good quality work and boost our local economies.

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Image showing Northumberland Employment Partnership

Northumberland Employment Partnership

The Northumberland Employment Partnership project, funded by the North East Combined Authority (North East CA), and working with Newcastle and North Tyneside Councils, brings together organisations to support residents and local employers to upskill the workforce and for residents to move into good quality work.

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Image showing Northumberland Employability Network

Northumberland Employability Network

The Northumberland Employability Network was established to share intelligence about delivery of employability and skills support services across sectors, and identify opportunities to develop a collaborative approach, to improve coordination and alignment to increase the number of residents supported to raise their skill levels and move into good work.

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Image showing Labour Market Intelligence

Labour Market Intelligence

The employability and Inclusion Team gathers, monitors, and disseminates a range of labour market intelligence and analyses, including employment trends, vacancies, demographics, and skills supply and demand data. This is to help providers and employers to understand the labour market and issues across local economies and enable them to provide what the labour market needs to grow and become more inclusive.

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Image showing Social Value and Targeted Recruitment and training

Social Value and Targeted Recruitment and training

The team supports delivery of Social Value in Northumberland County Council and Advance Northumberland contracts in line with the Social Value Act 2012.

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Image showing Northumberland Inclusive Economy Community Partnership

Northumberland Inclusive Economy Community Partnership

The Northumberland Inclusive Economy Community Partnership oversees a new fund of £1.5 million, secured by Northumberland County Council to support the work of the voluntary and community sector in the South East of the county.

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Image showing English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) & Support for Ukrainian Residents

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) & Support for Ukrainian Residents

Coordination of ESOL support and support for Ukrainian residents for Employment and Inclusion

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