Northumberland Employment and Skills Partnership

The Council’s Employment and Inclusion team in Economy and Regeneration is working with North of Tyne Combined Authority and partner Councils (Newcastle and North Tyneside) to manage local employment partnerships as a coordinated approach to make sure residents get access to the support they need to progress into good quality work and boost our local economies.

What is it?  

The Northumberland Employment and Skills Partnership was established to take a cross-sector approach to providing strategic direction and leadership for employment and skills priorities in Northumberland.
The cross-sector partnership is made up of a core membership of representatives with strategic roles delivering employment and skills services in Northumberland across the public, private and voluntary sectors. All have an interest in delivering Inclusive Economy ambitions to benefit Northumberland businesses, residents and communities. 

How does it work? 

The partnership is convened and chaired by NCC Economic Development. It meets every second month to consider how to respond to labour market trends and regularly invites guest speakers with a specialist interest in employment and skills policy and practice. 
The partnership reports to the North of Tyne Inclusive Economy strategic management group with a link to the North of Tyne Inclusive Economy Board to raise issued relating to employment and skills policy and practice. Members of the partnership use the work of the group to inform their own organisational work. 

Who else is involved? 

The current core membership is representatives of NCC Economic Development and Public Health teams, Department for Work and Pensions, Northumberland College, Advance Northumberland, Northumberland Skills, National Careers Service, Reed in Partnership, Bernicia Homes and Northumberland CVA. 

The Northumberland Employment and Skills Partnership's goal is to improve employment and skills support for our residents and create a more inclusive economy in Northumberland. The Partnership's adopted strategic priorities are available here: Northumberland Employment and Skills Partnership Strategic Priorities 2023-25
Membership of the partnership is kept under review and is open to new members to respond to changing labour market needs. 

Partnership Terms of Reference

More information 

For more information contact: 
Dimitrios Farmakis – Economic Advisor  
Phone: 07966 774420