Northumberland Employability Network

The Northumberland Employability Network was established to share intelligence about delivery of employability and skills support services across sectors, and identify opportunities to develop a collaborative approach, to improve coordination and alignment to increase the number of residents supported to raise their skill levels and move into good work.

What is it? 

The Northumberland Employability Network was established to share intelligence about delivery of employability and skills support services across sectors, and identify opportunities to develop a collaborative approach, to improve coordination and alignment to increase the number of residents supported to raise their skill levels and move into good work. 

How does it work? 

The partnership is convened and co-chaired by the NCC Employment Partnership Coordinator and Northumberland CVA Memberships and Networks Officer. This project is part-funded by the North East Combined Authority.

It meets every second month to share information and intelligence of employment and skills support services, highlight issues in the labour market, identify opportunities for partnership working, and to share good practice and raise issues, concerns and priorities relating to employability and skills.  
Networking opportunities and guest speakers are key features of the meetings, additionally the network provides access to platforms for information sharing. 

Who else is involved? 

The network is open to all organisations delivering employability and skills support services based or working in Northumberland. 
The network takes a cross-sector approach to ensure coordination across all services in the public, private and voluntary sectors. 

Latest news

22 Dec 2023 - Organisations commit to removing employment barriers

More information 

For more information contact: 
Victoria Clarke – Employment Partnership Coordinator, Northumberland County Council  
Phone: 07816 110332 
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