Employability and Inclusion

Information on the Employability and Inclusion Team...

What we do

As part of Economic Development, the Employability and Inclusion Team sets the strategic direction for employability and inclusion services delivered directly by Northumberland County Council and in partnership with other organisations.

Taking a partnership approach, the team manages the Northumberland Employability and Skills Partnership to ensure the labour market needs of Northumberland residents are met through a diverse range of support programmes. Key strategic partners include Advance Northumberland, DWP, North East Combined Authority and Northumberland College, a wide range of organisations and providers across sectors and Northumberland businesses working together for the benefit of Northumberland residents, communities and the labour market.

Economic Advisors, project managers, and partnership coordinators work with other Council departments and external employment and skills providers, using analysis of labour market data and intelligence on the needs of jobseekers and employers to develop, coordinate and support the employability and inclusion provider landscape.
The team contributes to delivery of the Northumberland Economic Strategy and North of Tyne Employability Plan; and works with other local authorities and stakeholder organisations though partnership arrangements to deliver ambitions for an Inclusive Economy.

Current Activity

The current focus of activity is:

More information

For more information contact:
Kevin Higgins - Employability and Inclusion Manager
Email: Kevin.Higgins@northumberland.gov.uk
Phone: 07786 020 787

Team email: employabilityandinclusion@northumberland.gov.uk