Information about support for adults at home including short-term support after an accident or hospital stay, equipment and adaptations to help you stay independent at home, support for carers, information about residential and nursing homes, and information about paying for care and support.
Information about equipment, home adaptations and support.
Information about the short-term support available to help people return home safely, rebuild skills and improve mobility and confidence.
Information about long-term support and services.
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
Learn more about residential and nursing care homes.
Information about paying for care in the community, charges for living in a care home and how to get independent financial advice.
Information about the different ways you can contact adult social care.
The Northumberland Children and Adults Safeguarding Partnership (NCASP) oversees the work undertaken in Northumberland to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults, children, young people and their families.