Contact the council

Here are the various ways you can get in touch with us.


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Contact us

You can contact us online, by phone, or in person. You can also find out how to apply for a council service, report a problem, or pay for services.

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Image showing Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Find out how to complain or compliment the council about a service.

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Image showing Information Governance

Information Governance

Here you will find information about how the Council processes your data and the individual rights you have available. This page also provides information on the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.

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Image showing Online communities & social media

Online communities & social media

This page tells you about our social media channels.

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Image showing Consultation


The council carries out consultations with members of the public and the people’s panel.

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Image showing Northumberland News - newsletter and magazine

Northumberland News - newsletter and magazine

Sign up for our weekly news, jobs and public health updates, or view copies of our residents magazine.

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Image showing Press and media

Press and media

Contacting the communications team

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