Exemptions, discounts & council tax support.

You may be eligible for a discount, exemption and council tax support.

Homes and properties exempt from council tax.

Classes of exemptions

View our classes of exemptions here.

For further information:

I have applied for an exemption, what happens next?

  • You must still pay your most recent council tax bill. 

  • ​We may review to check you are still entitled to the exemption. Failure to supply this information could result in removal of the exemption. 
  • If your entitlement ends, you must notify the council within 21 days. 
Discount for uninhabitable properties

  • Empty properties that need, or are undergoing, major repair works may be eligible to a discount of 100%. 
  • The discount can be for up to 12 months, or up to 6 months after the work has finished.
  • We will need to inspect the property before the discount's granted.    
  • We will take look at the condition of the property and the type of the works needed to make it habitable. 
  • A discount will end immediately if the property becomes occupied, furnished or is subject to an empty property premium charge.  
Major repair works include structural repairs and will include: 
  • Major repairs to roof structures
  • Rebuilding defective chimney stack(s)
External Walls
  • Rebuilding defective walls
  • Provision of dpc following rebuilding of defective walls
  • Repair/renewal of foundations
  • Underpinning substandard foundations
  • Replacing defective solid floors
  • Replacing defective floor joists
  • Replacing defective staircase
  • Replacing defective ceiling joists
  • Rebuilding defective walls

download the Uninhabitable Discount form. 
For further information
Disabled Band Reduction is based on an assessment of the property. It is not an assessment of the disabled person themselves. It is based on how the property is used and any adaptations that may have been made

How to apply

Send forms to: Council Tax Section, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF

Who qualifies for disabled relief?

The disabled person must be a resident in a property and the home must have at least one of the following:
  • A room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) which meets the specific needs of the disabled person.
  • An extra bathroom or extra kitchen which is essential to meet the needs of the disabled person.
  • Enough floor space created to use a wheelchair indoors where the disabled person needs to use one indoors.

 What happens after I have applied?

  • An inspections officer will contact you to arrange a time to inspect and assess the property.
  • We will tell you in writing of the outcome of your application.   
  • If you qualify, we will reduce your council tax charge by the equivalent of one property band. If your property is in band A you can still have the applicable reduction. 
There are two types of financial support available to help you to meet your council tax payments.

  • council tax support
  • second adult rebate

Only one or the other can be granted, not both. If both are applied for, you will receive the higher amount of the two. The reduced amount of council tax you have to pay will be shown on your bill.


Council Tax Support

Assessed on the income of the person or persons liable to pay council tax.

Reductions of

  • up to 100% of the amount payable are available for pension age customers and
  • 92% for working age customers.


Second Adult Rebate 

  • Available where there is only one person liable to pay the council tax, and
  • The home's shared with one or more other people, on a non-commercial basis.
  • Second Adult Rebate is linked to the income of the other persons living with them.
  • You cannot normally claim second adult rebate if you live with your partner.

To apply:

Complete an online application form

For further advice call 0345 600 6400 (charged at local rate)

Council Tax Support Scheme

Use our online benefit calculator for an estimate of what you could claim. 


Council Tax Support Hardship Fund Payment 2024

The council has decided that:

  • If you receive Council Tax Support you will receive up to £100 towards your council tax charge for 2024-25. 
  • If you already receive Council Tax Support you do not need to do anything, your council tax bill will be reduced.
If you live on your own, you may be entitled to a 25% discount.

Single person discount online application
  • For further information call 0345 600 6400 (charged at your local rate).
  • You must tell is if you are no longer the only adult in the property 0345 600 6400. 
  • If you receive a single person discount review form you must fill it in and return it straight away. If you don't you may lose your discount.
  • Anyone who knowingly supplies false information may be liable for a fine.
  • A partner or adult children who works away will usually be regarded as living in the family home. 
Certain adults are not counted for council tax purposes.

  • They are classed as disregarded persons. This means that when we count the number of people in your property they are ignored. 
  • This may mean a discount or full exemption from council tax may be applicable.  

How to apply
  • Types of disregarded persons are shown below with links to application forms and details of  the evidence required. 
  •  You can also write to: Council Tax Section, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF 
We will need your original student exemption certificate which we will return.

This is available from your university or college registrar.  
Your employer must complete an apprentice application form 

Provide one recent payslip
Provide evidence child benefit is being paid.

This could be a Department for work and Pensions (DWP) letter or bank statement.

We will need: 


We will need a letter from the prison confirming the date of detention and expected release date. 
We will need a letter confirming
  • the name and address of the hospital
  • that the stay is permanent (minimum of six months)
We will need a letter confirming
  • the name and address of the care home
  • that the stay is permanent
We will need a letter confirming
  • the carer lives there
  • works at least 24 hours per week
  • earns no more than £44 per week

We will need: 


We will need a letter confirming residency in a hostel and the name and address of the hostel.
We will need a letter confirming the person is dependent on the community for all their material needs.
We will need written confirmation from the school.
We will need confirmation of the terms of their residency in the UK and that they cannot work or claim benefit.
We will need a letter from the applicable International HQ or defence organisation.
We will need a letter from the relevant embassy. 
We will need a letter from the visiting force headquarters.
Annexes used may get a 50% reduction in the amount of council tax payable on the annexe.

  • The annexe must form part of a single property which includes at least one other dwelling and
  • Is being used by the resident of the main dwelling as part of their main home. 
  • Is the main residence of a relative* of the council taxpayer living in the main dwelling 
*as defined in the Council Tax (Reductions for Annexes) (England) Regulations 2013.
     Council Tax section
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF
If you have claimed and been granted council tax support, disabled band reduction, any discount or exemption to which you are not entitled, or you fail to notify the Council within 21 days of a change in circumstances that may affect your entitlement, you could be liable to a civil penalty of £70 or £280, and for council tax support you may also be prosecuted.

To notify us of any changes in your circumstances, please include all information regarding your change and contact us by:
Policies relating to council tax

Council Tax Discount Policy