Regeneration and Economic Development

Here you will find information on Regeneration and Economic Development

Here you will find information relating to the work of the Regeneration and Economic Development service.

Service purpose and primary functions 



The overarching vision of the service is to support the regeneration and economic growth of all residents, communities and businesses in the county.

Achieving our Ambition 

The service aims to achieve this vision by: 
  • Managing the progressive development and implementation of an extensive pipeline of regeneration projects and programmes.
  • Facilitating the delivery, in partnership as appropriate with Advance Northumberland, of significant regeneration projects and programmes. 
  • Maximising the opportunities presented by the North of Tyne Devolution Deal, the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, and equivalent national programmes 
  • Contributing to the delivery of the council’s COVID response programme and Climate Change Action Plan 
  • Maintaining the council’s accountable body role for externally funded regeneration projects and programmes.

Delivery Structure

The Service currently consists of the following teams: 

Current Priorities 

The Service is currently a priority and tangible initiatives focused on: 
  • Town centre and culture-led regenerationwith landmark initiatives including Energising Blyth, Berwick Theatre redevelopment, and Hexham High Street Heritage Action Zone. 
  • Strategic site development and regenerationwith a particular focus on our network of Enterprise Zones.
  • Clean growth through the progressive promotion olow carbon technologies, walking and cycling, and better countryside management.
  • Rural growth and innovation, including by offering tailored grant support to rural businesses and enterprises. 
  • Strategic transport connectivity, with the reopening of passenger services to the Northumberland Line of particular significance. 
  • Employability and inclusion aimed at improving pathways to training and work for everyone.