There are lots of different ways you can get involved with the county council and have your say on matters which affect you.
Popular tasks right now
(a) To enhance good governance in the area and ensure that the Council’s policies take account of the needs and aspirations of local communities and do not discriminate unfairly between the different areas. (b) To advise the Cabinet on budget priorities and expenditure within the area. (c) To consider, develop and influence policy and strategy development of the Council, its arms-length organisations, and other relevant bodies, to ensure that they meet local requirements and facilitate efficient and transparent decision making. (d) To receive information, consider and comment on matters associated with service delivery including those undertaken in partnership agencies, affecting the local area to ensure that they meet local requirements, including matters relating to community safety, anti-social behaviour and environmental crime. (e) To consider and refer to Cabinet any issues from a local community perspective with emerging Neighbourhood Plans within their area, and consider local planning applications as per the planning delegation scheme. (f) To consider and recommend adjustments to budget priorities in relation to Local Transport Plan issues within their area, and to make decisions in relation to devolved capital highway maintenance allocations. (g) To engage, through the appropriate networks, with all key stakeholders from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors to facilitate the delivery of area priorities. This will include undertaking regular liaison with parish and town councils. (h) To inform, consult and engage local communities in accordance with Council policy and guidance, through the appropriate networks. (i) To, as appropriate, respond or refer with recommendations to local petitions and councillor calls for action. (j) To make certain appointments to outside bodies as agreed by council. (k) To determine applications for grant aid from the Community Chest, either through Panels for individual Local Area Councils, or through the Panel of Local Area Council Chairs for countywide applications. (l) To refer and receive appropriate issues for consideration to or from other Council Committees, and as appropriate invite Portfolio Holders to attend a meeting if an item in their area of responsibility is to be discussed. (m) To exercise the following functions within their area:- (i) the council’s functions in relation to the survey, definition, maintenance, diversion, stopping up and creation of public rights of way. (ii) the council’s functions as the Commons Registration Authority for common land and town/village greens in Northumberland. (iii) the council’s functions in relation to the preparation and maintenance of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (iv) the council’s functions in relation to the Northumberland National Park and County Joint Local Access Forum (Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007. (v) the council’s role in encouraging wider access for all to the County’s network of public rights of way and other recreational routes.
Petitions can be created or signed by anyone living, working, studying or using services in Northumberland. They can be in paper or electronic form ('e-petition') and submitted with both written and electronic signatures. Make an e-petition to Northumberland County Council
Description of e-petition Reduce the speed limit to 20mph and place signs at the entrance to Beacon Lane. Due to the increase of traffic because of the new estate and building works, residents are concerned it is only a matter of time before a child is injured or worse.
Opened for signatures 26.07.2024 Click here to sign the e-petition
The A197 in Ashington needs to be made safer to cross between KFC and the jet garage. This is a major route to school and the major route into Ashington. With traffic coming from both directions and pulling out of the garage and KFC/Aldi car park and at times it is impossible to cross safely. We need a pedestrian crossing installed ASAP to ensure the safety of all the general public that use this point to cross.
Opened for signatures 25.07.2024 Click here to sign the e-petition
As residents and businesses based in Berwick we are concerned about the decline in Berwick high street, with decreased footfall and empty shops proliferating. Short stay parking on Marygate worked well, and enabled many residents and visitors to make quick stops to visit shops.
We also think more parking, and more vehicles moving around, would help slow down traffic and reduce the risk to pedestrians from vehicles speeding through without stopping. We know that short stay parking has been introduced in other towns after petitions.
We also believe that this could be implemented easily simply by moving bollards and painting lines; no major works are required, and we ask NCC to make this happen as soon as possible for the sake of businesses and to make life easier for all. Opened for signatures on 22.05.2024 Closed for signatures on 23.08.2024 Number of signatures as at 23.08.2024 - 252
In 2025 Northumberland County Council will double the Council Tax charge for Second Homes. Whilst we welcome this, we ask that the additional income is strictly ringfenced and spent in the areas with high levels of Second Homes. And that these residents decide the use of this money, such as building more affordable housing to rent or buy and improving the sustainability of local communities. Opened for signatures on 11.03.2024 Closed for signatures on 12.06.2024 Number of signatures as at 12.06.2024 - 210
Say 'NO' to building 2200 homes on fields between East Cramlington and Seghill. This development will add to existing traffic congestion, put pressure on local schools and hospitals, and will physically join East Cramlington to Seghill. NCC should refuse permission. Opened for signatures on 24.11.2023 Closed for signatures on 24.05.2024 Number of signatures as at 24.05.2024 - 870
Working in conjunction with Enid Wilson, Chair of Newbiggin Traders Association we are requesting Traffic Lights on North Seaton Roundabout for peak times 7.30am - 9.30am then 4pm - 6pm. It is very difficult to access the Roundabout at these times from all 5 directions but particularly Newbiggin/Ashington and Ashwood Business Park. Traffic lights would make it easier for all road users. Opened for signatures on 01.02.2024 Closed for signatures on 08.04.2024 Number of signatures as at 08.04.2024 - 1230
As a concerned resident of Hexham and a parent, the safety of our children walking to school has become an urgent issue due to the lack of speed restrictions on Causey Hill. Every day, our children are at risk as they navigate their way down Causey Hill having to cross the road where there is a lack of pavement. The majority of vehicles trip the speed warning sign at the bottom of the hill, despite braking for several metres beforehand. Causey Hill has a steep gradient, is very straight and does not have parked cars that would slow traffic. There are speed restrictions on the other main southbound route (St Cuthberts/Longlands) and yet Causey Hill has far more traffic. Please introduce speed restriction measures on Causey Hill. These measures could include traffic calming installations like speed bumps or chicanes or enforcement of existing speed limits through the use of speed cameras. Opened for signatures on 12.01.2024 Closed for signatures on 22.03.2024 Number of signatures as at 22.03.2024 - 101
A68 Northbound between B6318/A68 roundabout (Errington Coffee House) to the Bingfield turn off. As stated on current road signage, the A68 is a dangerous road with many hidden dips and peaks, which has resulted in many road casualties, the most recent this month resulting in a tragic loss of life and injury. Anyone living besides the A68 will inform of poor driving behaviour and the fact that A68 seems to attract racetrack thrill seekers which on any other road would be considered unacceptable. It seems on a typical holiday weekend this type of behaviour has become normalised. The A68 is further safety compromised by heavy haulage lorries and slow-moving farming vehicles. This petition is focused on speed reduction/calming measures when approaching A68 driveways and junctions. The signatures of this petition have all experience dangerous, aggressive and totally inconsiderate drivers (motorbikes, cars and heavy vehicles) with zero tolerance of those pulling in/out of the A68. It should be noted that the A68 is the main route for the school run with our children at risk. It is acknowledged that in 2022 signage and road markings improvements were implemented but against the existing driving mentality, speed and behaviour, has made no safety impact. The signatures of this petition are convinced the only way forward to mitigate future tragedies, is a controlled and managed reduction of speed over A68 driveways and road junctions.
Opened for signatures on 03.11.2023 Closed for signatures on 08.01.2024 Number of signatures as at 08.01.2024 - 81
These are an example of some but not all of the issues within the estate currently. Opened for signatures on 06.10.2023 Closed for signatures on 12.12.23 Number of signatures as at 12.12.2023 - 102
We, the undersigned, do not accept that the proposed changes to the road signs and markings at Swinhoe crossroads address the fundamental cause of recent road traffic accidents We believe that:- 1. The restricted visibility available to motorists arriving at the four-way junction on B1340 from the south is the major cause of the 5 known accidents in the past 16 months. 2. The recent increase in tourism, larger and faster cars, driven by drivers unfamiliar with the area, on country roads not designed for speed, only serves to heighten the risk of accidents. As a result, the signatories to this petition urge Northumberland County Council to accept that the realignment of the roads at the junction, to improve the drivers’ view of oncoming traffic, is the only solution that will prevent accidents from occurring in future and motorists continuing to be injured or worse. Opened for signatures on 02.08.2023 Closed for signatures on 04.12.2023 Number of signatures as at 04.12.2023 - 607
This petition calls upon Northumberland County Council to support the efforts of the Falcon Centre Action Group (FCAG) to secure the future of the Falcon Centre as a community hub. We believe the best way to secure the Falcon Centre for the benefit of the local community would be for the Centre to be run by and for the local community. The FCAG should be allowed time to develop a robust business plan in conjunction with other community partners. A future application to NCC from the FCAG for a Community Asset Transfer should be given sympathetic consideration. Opened for signatures on 01.12.2022 Closed for signatures on 01.06.2023 Number of signatures as at 01.06.2023 - 78
The speed drops from 30 to 20 in front of this row of houses but is rarely adhered to, leading to a lot of near misses for people entering or exiting Dene Street and Monk’s Terrace. Further traffic calming measures are required, ideally a speed camera but rumble strips or other methods which encourage motorists to slow down would be welcomed by all road users who regularly use these junctions.
Opened for signatures on 14.02.2023 Closed for signatures on 14.04.2023 Number of signatures as at 14.04.2023 - 80
Residents of Jameson Estate are calling for urgent action by the Local Highways Authority to address the serious issue of speeding along the C358 between Jameson Estate (old Police HQ site) and Grange Lea Care Home on North Road in Ponteland. Following several complaints, the County Council’s Highways Improvements Team undertook a series of speed surveys between 28th October 2022 and 3rd November 2022. The results of these surveys met the criteria required by the Northumbria Safety Roads Initiative for consideration for additional enforcement measures. The 85th percentiles for Northbound traffic were 39.1mph and 36.4mph for Southbound traffic. These results were thereafter forwarded to the Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative. Jameson Residents have set up this e-petition in the hope that the County Council will address speeding concerns along this road as a matter of greater urgency and appreciate the local feeling on this issue.
Opened for signatures on 30.01.2023 Closed for signatures on 12.04.2023 Number of signatures as at 12.04.2023 - 183
Banks Property propose to build 190 houses at Wansbeck Road, Ashington. This proposal will have a devastating impact on the local Wansbeck community and will subject residents to years of excessive noise, dust, air pollution and mud, not to mention an exponential increase in construction traffic. The traffic on Wansbeck Road is already at dangerous levels and the proposed new junction, and bus-turning area will exacerbate the problem and increase the dangers to children and parents walking to school. We ask that Northumberland County Council refuse planning permission for this proposal. Opened for signatures on 30.09.2022 Closed for signatures on 21.12.2022 Number of signatures as at 21.12.2022 - 446
It is requested that a mandatory speed limit of 30 mph be introduced on the half mile section of the C234 between Quality Cottages and the Level Crossing adjacent to the Fourstones Paper Mill. This is a busy stretch of road recording over 1600 vehicular movements per day. There are several blind bends, poor sightlines, and numerous concealed junctions. At the SE is a junction between two houses on the road side that leads to four further houses, To the SW are Hardhaugh Cottages, a group of ten terraced and semi-detached houses. Five concealed junctions serve these houses including two into the adjacent car park. Towards the NW is Fourstones Paper Mill, there are two entrances to the Mill for HGVs and staff car parks located on either side of the road. The NW end is delineated by a level crossing that crosses the road in a diagonal manner. This is the main Newcastle to Carlisle line carrying significant passenger and freight services. The road is well used by a variety of cars, HGVs, agricultural vehicles, cyclists, horse riders and walkers. The residents of Hardhaugh, including young children, navigate the narrow footpath adjacent to their houses, and numerous pedestrians have to walk on the road between the Paper Mill and Hardhaugh due to the lack of a pavement. There is an advisory 30mph sign on the central bend however the mandatory speed limit for the entire section is 60mph. A recent traffic survey recorded an average speed 42 / 43 mph, 15% of vehicles exceeding 50mph, and maximum speeds of over 80mph. This represents a significant increase in recorded speeds since 2011. Collision data for this road section is relatively low, although there have been a number of accidents. Unless a mandatory speed limit of 30mph is introduced it is feared that a combination of road geometry, the composition of road users, and existing traffic speeds will result in more speed related accidents and the possibility of serious injuries or deaths. Opened for signatures on 12.09.2022 Closed for signatures on 14.11.2022 Number of signatures as at 14.11.22 - 57
Margaret Street Road Repair and One Way System (Widdrington)
After a recent trip to Budapest, I was extremely impressed with the amount of free dog parks. Secure areas, with simple and cheap dog runs and obstacles within. These appeared very popular with the locals and well maintained. On returning home I searched for the nearest one and found it was near Birtley and at a cost. Blyth beach is full of dog walkers and we are clearly a dog loving area. But sadly, with the exclusion of dogs on the beach there could be more suitable areas for our four legged friends. I would love it if Blyth could have the first free to use dog park. This would be a wonderful addition to Blyth and leading the way for other local areas to follow suit.
Opened for signatures on 11.05.2022 Closed for signatures on 11.11.2022 Number of signatures as at 11.11.2022 - 25 Wentworth Car Park & Hexham Alemouth Road Car Park, Hexham
The decision from NCC is to make Wentworth Car Park short and medium parking only, with all long stay parking only available at the Hexham Alemouth Car Park (bunker site). Wentworth currently has 283 long stay bays which will all become max 4 hour stay bays. It is understood there will be 250 white bays at the bunker site. The long stay parking availability in Hexham will be reduced by 33 spaces. The Hexham Alemouth Road Car Park (bunker site) includes the newly built Travel Lodge. We can easily assume that some of their guests will park in the white / long stay bays which may further reduce the total number of white / long stay bays. We do not believe you should prioritise one demographic over another. Residents (who live in close proximity to Wentworth without parking or on street parking and unable to purchase residents parking permits), workers in local businesses/ hospital, commuters, guests at Hexham hotels without parking (such as The County and (under renovation) Coach & Horses), residents of Hexham and tourists who want to stay more than 4 hours could be impacted by the decision and are valid when considering parking needs of the town. We should be encouraging visitors to Hexham to stay longer than four hours! Hexham is holding more & more events which encourages visitors to stay all day - the proposal actively hinders this. The blue / medium stay bays at Wentworth Car Park usually have the most spaces available, therefore the logic of creating additional blue / medium stay bays is perplexing. The long stay / white bays are in high demand, so reducing the capacity by 30 with potential further loss to travel lodge guests and making them less accessible is equally baffling. Please sign! Opened for signatures on 30.06.2022 Closed for signatures on 30.09.2022 Number of signatures as at 30.09.2022 - 564
A "family" housing development on the edge of Cramlington with with currently 1,000 residents (and rising) who do not have a safe point to cross a very busy road and no pedestrian or cycle access to local services. The only access onto the housing estate is via Fisher Lane where residents including the elderly & school children are expected to cross a very busy 50MPH road to access bus service into Cramlington & Blyth and from Newcastle. The design of the roundabout is poor with cars often exceeding the speed limit and driving dangerously. There are no signs advising road users of the crossing point In order to access local services by foot, residents are expected to walk a 1/3 mile stretch of road where cars can travel at 50MPH before they reach a footpath at Northumberlandia and access the footpath & cycle network by crossing a 70MPH dual carriageway on the A1068 on Fisher Lane. This has left many residents including those in social housing being isolated. Residents request immediate action to prevent injury or loss of life as a result of not creating adequate infrastructure to a growing development, which currently has over 300 properties being occupied. We want to see a safer crossing point together with appropriate signs and a temporary or permanent footpath giving residents access to local services. It is vital that this in place before the winter months. Opened for signatures on 19.08.2022 Closed for signatures on 22.09.2022 Number of signatures as at 22.09.2022 - 292
1. UK Government declared road transport as the largest source of carbon emissions from exhausts, tyres, brakes and road wear. Reports suggest that from 2018 to 2021 emissions from vehicles in the UK increased. 2. Impact of vehicle emissions on health is considerable. For example, motoring research found that brake dust could be just as toxic as particulates from the exhausts of diesel engines, and brake pad particulates were found to harm respiratory health, damaging lung cells. Other effects on physical health include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer, leading to reduced life expectancy, and can impair lung development in children and cause low birth weight. Air pollution is also a contributory factor of strokes and increases the likelihood of hospitalisation in the elderly, and so on.
(1) Public Health England and dozens of scientific studies show that poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, with even short exposure to air pollution causing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer. According to the Taskforce for Lung Health, for example, based on 2018 data from Northumberland, an estimated 3.24 per cent of deaths were attributable to air pollution which was equivalent to 116.6 deaths in the region. Air pollution also causes mental health issues such as anxiety and depression and may even cause cognitive impairment in young people and escalate dementia in the elderly. (2) This would help the Council achieve its net zero emissions target by 2030. Current emissions from the town total about 75,139 tonnes of CO2 per year. Part of this is from wood-burning stoves and open fires. New applications to Berwick Town Council to install chimneys for wood-burning stoves suggest a worrying increase in emissions. (3) While tree-planting is part of the answer, other ways are needed as trees take time to mature and there are limited opportunities for tree-planting in the Berwick area. The Council’s Emissions Dashboard, for example, suggests that occupants of a single property for one Berwick postcode area would need to plant 38 trees every year to offset emissions. Further details about this e-petition can be found at Opened for signatures on 02.03.2022 Closed for signatures on 23.08.2022 Number of signatures as at 23.08.2022 - 19
This petition requests a pavement/cycle way to connect Old Red Row to Barrington Road to give access to services at Bedlington Station, Bedlington and Barrington Industrial Estate. Currently pedestrians are forced to walk on the grass verge along Red Row Drive. This is a difficult walk for those who are fully mobile but impossible for those with young children in pushchairs, and wheelchair users, who resort to walking on this busy road. An alternative route to Bedlington Station, over the railway bridge is excluded for these users as it is steeply inclined and width restricted. The new Northumberland Line will improve access for those living in this area, but only if they can safely access the rail link. Opened for signatures on 11.03.2022 Closed for signatures on 10.05.2022 Number of signatures as at 10.05.2022 - 287
Like many others I enjoy taking my dog on a walk. More specifically letting my dog free to chase a ball, frisbee or just socialising with other dogs. I believe it is important to socialise your dog at a young age so that the dog grows to be well balanced. I quite regularly use Hirst Park Playing Fields as it is secure and large enough for several groups of people to use at one time. Unfortunately there are some dog owners who are using this field and leaving dog mess all over the pitches. This is unnacceptable not to mention unhygienic. I can understand the frustrations of many users who continue to find dog mess on their pitches they are paying for! Although there are signs and waste bins clearly at each entrance, there does not seem to be any deterrent in place. This is causing me concern as it is the only place I can safely securely train my dog and it will upset a lot of the community if it is closed to dogs. The question I put to you is: Can we have an alternative section of the park specifically for dogs? I am a member of NCC Green Dog Walker Scheme. Perhaps this could be advertised in and around the local parks? Opened for signatures on 08.03.2022 Closed for signatures on 03.05.2022 Number of signatures as at 03.05.2022 - 1
The road across the front of peth head is supposed to be 20 mph. It has no signage or speed bumps and is used as a shortcut for traffic trying to access the corbridge road. Traffic drives at speed from morning till night and crossing the road is incredibly dangerous. Many parents with young children attempting to cross in order to access schools, nurseries or the hospital are left standing in fear for their children. There needs to be at the least signage, and possibly a safe place to cross as this is no longer a small little back road, but is actually being used as an alternative to the main corbridge road.
Opened for signatures on 22.02.2022 Closed for signatures on 28.04.2022 Number of signatures as at 28.04.2022 - 182
Over 200 young people between 8 and 17 use Hirst park playing fields every week to enjoy organised grass routes football. Each week coaches pick up over 30 doggy bags full of dog mess before and during games to ensure NFA requirements are met and to keep our young people safe. The lack of respect from dog owners and unwillingness to clean up after their dogs is becoming a major concern. Please make this a no dog area and keep gates locked so the children of Ashington and surrounding areas can enjoy playing football at the heart of Ashington without this hazard. Opened for signatures on 19.01.2022 Closed for signatures on 22.02.2022 Number of signatures as at 22.02.2022 - 278
The B1523 road needs to have speed calming measures in place as the majority of road users do not abide by the speed limit, there have been several RTA and I feel it is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident to a member of the public in the recent weeks I have witnessed two near misses on the road which involved children on their way home from school. Not only the high speeds, which is a massive issue we also have the additional volume of traffic from all the new builds in this area along with the extra traffic which will happen when the train link is operational the road is ridiculously busy now, can you imagine how bad it will be with this additional traffic morning and night. Opened for signatures on 25.11.2021 Closed for signatures on 26.01.2022 Number of signatures as at 26.01.2022 - 78
Make it law that all dogs to be on a leash on Newbiggin Promenade. Signs to be put up so people are aware. Dog owners issued with a fine who has their dog off a lead. I walk along the prom every day and see it happen every time with dogs off leash running wild going up to other dogs who on a leash causing them to fight. Tonight I was verbally abused by a very aggressive owner the language was disgusting I was frightened and shaking this all could of been avoided if it was law about dogs on a leash. Opened for signatures on 01.10.2021 Closed for signatures on 12.01.2022 Number of signatures as at 12.01.2022 - 106
We are calling on the community and visitors from the A68 Stagshaw Roundabout to Heddon on the Wall to support our request to improve road safety on the B6318. We are asking for reduced speed limits, improved signage, distinctive road markings, restricted overtaking and for HGV and quarry wagons to be restricted to access only. We have raised concerns with our local councillor, MP, Northumbria Police, Highways Improvement Team, Planning department and Area Transport manager at Tarmac in relation to safety concerns for all vehicles and wagons driving at night and driving dangerously. HGV Usage Due to the volume of Quarry HGV’s driving the Military Road B6318 especially at night and as stipulated within the planning permission requirements for quarry usage within “Northumberland’s mineral local plan 2020” 3.41 should not transport material along minor roads which would cause unacceptable disturbance to local communities and the environment 3.42 If these effects would have direct impacts on local communities and could not be ameliorated to an acceptable degree through planning conditions then the minerals operation should not be permitted. Safety concerns Due to an estimated 16 serious accidents over the last 2-3years between the roundabout A68/B6318 and Heddon on the Wall and increased residents now living along the military road B6318 we are petitioning to introduce new speed limits as shown Harlow Hill - 30mph - Village now contains over 20 dwellings (as required to reduce to 30mph), Mixed use Horse riders (and access to Stables), Cyclists and over 10k walkers/Year next to carriage way. Village also has 5 access points now and accident zone. Noise concerns with traffic at unhealthy levels (85db +) East Wall Houses - 40mph - Previous fatality, New business's at Vallum Farm creating increase slowing traffic and 7 residential properties and 8 access points and mixed use as Harlow Hill. Halton Shields - 40mph - 14 residential properties, Hadrian's wall crossing point, Noise concerns with traffic at unhealthy levels (85db +) Two Hoots Junction - 40mph - 2 serious accidents over the last few months (one resident of Harlow Hill), restricted visibility, mixed use as Harlow Hill, 3 properties and main cut through to A69 turning. Opened for signatures on 19.10.2021 Closed for signatures on 01.12.2021 Signatures as of 01.12.2021 - 62
Safely remove badgers from the cemetery and place deterrents around the perimeter to prevent more devastation. Opened for signatures on 17.08.2021 Closed for signatures on 18.10.2021 Number of signatures as at 18.10.2021 - 642
This petition requests that the Council review current transport services and works with public service transport companies to ensure school transportation in the area meets the needs of the community and gives more choice to our children and their education. If your child attends a school not within the catchment area for your postcode, the current policy of the Council is not to provide transport unless certain criteria are met. You are therefore reliant on either Public Transport or making alternative arrangements to take your child to school. Currently, the 688 Hexham to Allendale/Allenheads provides a bus service from Allenheads at 06:31 and 09:41. The service which runs in-between terminates at Allendale, returning to Hexham at 07:50. Any parents who live further up the valley, have to transport their children by car to Allendale to catch the service bus. A number of other parents have also stated that services to schools do not take into account children who may do extra-curricular activities after school. Whilst the Council have made it clear that no changes will be made in the provision of transport outside of a school catchment area, they surely have a responsibility to work with public transport companies to ensure that school children have services running at the right times and to and from the correct locations (where feasible). People should have a choice as to where their child goes to school and in rural areas especially, appropriate transport and subsidised tickets are the only means to giving those children a choice. The Council try to encourage environmentally-friendly ways of travelling to school with their ‘Go Smarter Northumberland’ initiative and yet there appears to be a disconnect between this and the current working arrangements with Public Services. Opened for signatures on 07.07.21 Closed for signatures on 01.09.21 Number of signatures as at 01.09.21 - 109
Path has been closed by NCC from the end of Stephenson terrace Wylam to the Newburn Country Park since 2013 due to Riverbank erosion on land owned by Wylam Parish Council, near Tom and Joes Garden Nurseries. Existing fences have been broken down numerous times. Safety hazard as people still go along the dangerous path. NCC to repair Riverbank and restore footpath so route is reopened. The riverbank erosion and ground stability of the land upon which the footpath runs is also affecting the private access road for the adjoining Garden Nurseries business. Opened for signatures on 26.04.21 Closed for signatures on 16.08.21 Number of signatures as at 16.08.21 - 482
Currently the only footway provision from the estates off the Pennine Way, listed above, to Bellingham's shops, bus service, churches and other facilities is via one of 3 footpath's through Hillside which all include steps and steep slopes. Before allowing further development up this steep hill, the council should provide or require developers to provide a wheelchair accessible footpath or pavement. Opened for signatures on 25 March 2021 Closed for signatures on 26 April 2021 Number of signatures on 26 April 2021 : 2
We the parents of Belford children would like funded transportation for the children attending duchess high school in Alnwick, following the transition of the Belford first school changing over into the 2 tier system. We feel this should have been done at the point of change from first to primary status and feel it’s dragging on to long with no hope insight. We as parents would like this petition to be signed by everyone in the hopes we raise some form of resolution faster. Please sign and help the cause. Thank you for taken time to read this, this means a lot to us here in Belford trying to get what’s best for the next generation. Opened for signatures on 13 October 2020 Number of signatures as at 25 March 2021 - 2
We regard the action taken by this council to impose planning enforcement procedures on over 60 residents in Lynemouth to be unfair and disproportionate. In the midst of a global pandemic, this action disregards this council's duty of care towards the health and wellbeing of its constituents. Residents are already suffering financially and proceding with this action at this time will cause not only further financial hardship for many, but also poses a threat to mental and physical wellbeing. Whilst the action may be governed by national legislation, we ask this Council Administration to: 1. Consider whether there are any discretionary powers at local level to address the problem 2. Recognise the financial pressure this puts on people at this current time 3. Acknowledge that it has a duty of care to residents and at the very least extend the timescales on any enforcement until such times when residents can meet with any such professional bodies as they need to in order to produce the relevant applications, plans etc Opened for signatures on 15 February 2021 Number of signatures as at 11 March 2021 - 147 Petition closed for signatures on 11 March 2021
Newbiggin Town Council held a meeting on 18 November and voted for (3 for only 2 against), the proposed asset transfer of the derelict toilets next to the Cresswell Arms Public House, Newbiggin from Northumberland County Council. This petition is opposed to the asset transfer and redevelopment of a new toilet block at this location to be paid for by Newbiggin residents and instead wants this eyesore demolished and the site cleared. We believe that this best represents the views of local residents who have not been consulted on this matter.
Opened for signatures on 3 December 2020 This petiton closed for signatures on Wednesday 3 February 2021 Number of signatures received as at 3 February 2021 - 185
We wish to register our objection to plans that have been submitted to Northumberland County Council (Application no.20/03389/FUL ) for four dwellings to be built in an area with “Outstanding long range views” on land South of Centurion Way. Heddon on the Wall. We ask NCC not to grant permission to build. These views are enjoyed by the whole village community and would no be longer visible to the public if built. This ‘view’ and the benches provided by the mining institute to enjoy it, are part of our mining, cultural and village heritage. The roads leading to the development would increase traffic and air pollution to a road system which was not designed for the current amount of traffic or parking and further endanger children playing outside and increase likelihood of damage to vehicles. Opened for signatures on 6 November 2020 Number of signatures as at 30 November 2020 - 84 The petition closed on Monday 30 November 2020
AFC Newbiggin Football Club are working towards having their own facilities, pitches for Juniors mini soccer, nine aside, 11 aside and Seniors working towards Step 7. We have the funding in place and require the support of Northumberland County Council, so are requesting a £170,000 contribution to fill the gap shortfall as they have done with similar projects. Opened for signatures on 6 February 2020 Number of signatures: 165 Closed on 6 March 2020
There are hundreds of children aged 3-18 who live on the estate and attend the Northumberland Church of England Academy (NCEA). At present these children, accompanied by parents / childminders / carers etc have to walk at least 2.1 miles (40 minutes) to get to the school. The development and children would benefit from a pathway being installed from the main road in the development to the back fields of the school. This would result in having to walk approximately 0.3 miles and would take about 5 minutes. At present they are also walking along the black path which is mainly flooded, overgrown and dangerous in the winter nights.
Opened for signatures on 14 January 2020 Signatures: 171
I would like to propose the building of a Basketball court within Ridley Park, we do not have one within walking distance, Basketball is an ever increasing sport and we should encourage all activities that promote the health of our kids. Opened for signatures on 19 September 2019 Signatures: 7
Cheviot view is a very busy street, not only with cars but children playing too, cars parked on one side of the road due to lack of parking spaces which makes using the road very difficult. There are no passing places available if a car is coming towards you. The street is made up of a circle so a one way street would be beneficial to all houses, road users and children.
Between the hours of 11pm and 3am motorbikes speed up and down this road. Not only are the bike engines so loud, but the speed they go I fear one of these days I will have a motorbike in my car windscreen or my livingroom. Through the day cars speed down this residential street, where children play. I refuse to let my daughter out on this road as an accident will happen one of these days. Even more so with the blind bend there is on the street that the cars speed round Closed on: 3 October 2018
In April 2014 residents of Lesbury were asked to take part in a democratic vote for parking restrictions around Alnmouth Station. We voted overwhelmingly against them. Now 4 years later Northumberland Council see fit to completely ignore the democratic process and instill their own ill thought out solution to parking problems at Alnmouth. The only solution to insufficient parking at the station is to provide more, not to penalise and charge residents for the success of the station.
Closed on 12 July 2018 Signatures: 13
Proposer: Mr Geoff Potts
This petition is in response to Northumberland County Council’s West Northumberland School Consultation. In all three proposals put forward by the Council, Wark C of E First School has been potentially earmarked for closure depending upon the outcome of the consultation. Wark C of E First School is a vital part of our rural community, giving our children the best start in life from preschool age and providing optional wraparound care to support working families. It has strong support from the Diocese and 100% of parents would recommend our school to others. The school is consistently rated GOOD by OFSTED and SIAMS. A broad, enriched curriculum is provided and each child is treated as an individual with individual learning plans. The budgeting forecast to 2020/21 is in surplus and the school is thriving, as are its pupils. Wark First School is dynamic, easily adapting to change and can prove it is viable to work in both a 2 tier or 3 tier system given the chance. Closure would drive families away, destroying the surrounding community and businesses within. Our children would not receive the educational needs in keeping with their rural upbringing and would throw away a school providing the very best education and support. It also removes the choice of a faith school in the local area. Therefore we cannot accept any of the three proposals to close Wark Church of England First School and the purpose of this petition is to keep our school open and demonstrate the support we have.
Signatories: 433
Closeds on 8 April 2018
Proposer: Mrs N Nichol
Public footpath no.22 closure notice was issued in January 2017 for a 6 month period. The closure was then extended to October 2017. The closure has now been extended again until 30 April 2019. Closures have been granted to enable development of the old hospital site by Gentoo. Gentoo have stated that they will re-open the path periodically during the current closure period but no dates have been provided. Footpath no.22 is a valued and well used path by the local community, its closure is denying safe access to a wider network of paths for recreational use. Moor Road provides alternative access but is used by heavy construction traffic servicing Gentoo’s development. A 2 years, 3 month closure period can not reasonably be considered as ‘temporary.’ Gentoo has continually failed to meet its own targets and honour promises given to the community. Petitioners have lost faith and trust in Gentoo and their assurance to periodically open the path and therefore request that Northumberland County Council: 1) revoke the current excessive and unreasonable temporary closure; 2) require Gentoo to provide safe access across the site (similar to that provided by Story Homes at their Crawcrook development). 3) Significantly reduce any future temporary closure periods.
Signatories: 204. Closed on 31 December 2017 Regeneration of Ashington Town Centre Object to the decision to withdraw the new County Hall project from being built in Ashington. We demand a similar major development project to be realised for Ashington Town to ensure we protect and revitalise current businesses and harvest in additional major investors to create quality jobs with decent wages.
Signatories: 243 Closed on: 27 December 2017
Proposer: Mr K Ellis
Signatories: 86
Closed on: 8 December 2017
Proposer: Mr S Hutchinson
Beach Access North East provides free of charge, access to beach wheelchairs at Blyth South Beach. We need storage for these to be located at the beach, so other volunteers can increase the days when these are available to members of the public to use. We cannot buy a larger range of equipment to improve the accessibility to this beach without storage at the beach. We need at a minimum a 2m square, secure, vandal proof container but would prefer more room. We can provide the container, we need the council to give permission and to provide hard standing at a location near to or on the promenade/car park.
We the undersigned request that Northumberland county Council install and maintain appropriate street lighting to Moor Road between Moor Grange and the entrance to Humbles Wood/Fern Dene Hospital. (Grid ref 10/61&62 ordnance survey pathfinder 548). Currently there is no street lighting on this under maintained, dark narrow road. The footpath is heavily populated by woodland and used by residents, visitors and hospital staff 24 hours per day. We believe this is a huge safety concern which needs to addressed urgently for the following reasons;
This road is now classed as a double carriage way with a 30mph speed restriction, so is no longer a country lane. Therefore appropriate street lighting in recognition of this being an adopted road should be installed. 25 Million pound was made available for a lighting renewal program in Northumberland, and yet we are advised none of this is available for new street lighting.
Signatories: 156
Closed on: 2 November 2017
Proposer: Mrs L Rusby
After the death of a friend, caused by a speeding motorist along Victoria/Rothesay Terrace, it's about time the route from Bedlington Station to Stead Lane had some traffic calming measures installed along this route to prevent another tragedy.
Signatories: 1198 (316 electronic signatures, 882 paper signatures) Closed on 26 October 2017
The 20mph signs on Hallstile Bank, a residential street in Hexham are not being adhered to. Traffic speeds down the bank from very early in the morning and well into the night. Anti Social behaviour with revving cars occurs daily. Lorries and buses (up to 2.55 m wide) navigate a bend on the steep bank, when the road width is 3.05m (narrowest section) with a footpath only on one side.
We, the undersigned, petition Northumberland County Council to review current usage of the road, consider restricting the size / weight of vehicles using the bank and install traffic monitoring and calming measures to ensure it is used safely and considerately.
Signatories: 109 Closed on: 20 October 2017
The Petitions Committee's role is to consider those petitions of a corporate or county wide nature which do not fall within the remit of the local area councils, planning and other regulatory committees (petitions about planning or licensing applications may not be considered), and to make appropriate recommendations to full Council, the Cabinet, or other committees, or on matters delegated to officers depending upon the subject matter. The committee can also consider petitions about local issues in exceptional circumstances when agreed by the Chair. The relevant Cabinet member and division member(s) are invited to attend as non-voting members. Its meetings are scheduled to take place on a quarterly basis each year. Click here to find details of recent or upcoming meetings of the Petitions Committee.
This petition is to make the Barley Rise housing area a permit holders only parking area to stop people parking here visiting Wansbeck Hospital which would stop the current traffic issues.
Signatories: 52 Closed on: 27 August 2016 Current situation: consultation to be arranged about residents' views on a parking scheme.
Current situation: a response to the petition was considered by the Area Committee - South on Wednesday 13 July 2016 at 6pm at Choppington Social Welfare Centre. The committee noted the information in the report and agreed that the ward member be kept informed of progress.
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