Council tax - charges

We use council tax to fund essential services across Northumberland.

Your council tax amount is determined by which band your property is valued at, and which parish or town it is located in.

The amount is inclusive of the parish precept but won’t take into account council tax support, discounts or exemptions


2024-2025 charges
The council has set the council tax for the year commencing 1 April 2024 (minus parish precepts) as shown below:
County Council
Adult Social Care Precept Police and Crime
Commissioner for Northumbria
Band A 1,181.64 202.67 121.23
Band B 1,378.58 236.45 141.43
Band C 1,575.52 270.23 161.64
Band D 1,772.46 304.01 181.84
Band E 2,166.34 371.57 222.25
Band F 2,560.22 439.13 262.66
Band G 2,954.10 506.68 303.07
Band H 3,544.92 608.02 363.68
All domestic properties in Northumberland have been valued by the Valuation Office Agency (not Northumberland County Council) and have been put into one of eight bands from A to H, which reflect the capital value of each property as of 1 April 1991. 
Most properties will be subject to council tax. There will be one bill per property whether it is a house, bungalow, flat, maisonette, mobile home or houseboat irrespective of whether it is owned or rented. 
The valuation bands of all dwellings in Northumberland County Council’s area are shown in the Valuation List produced by the Valuation Office Agency. The list can be inspected via the Valuation Office Agency’s website
The council sets the council tax charge for band D properties. The charge for other bands is calculated on fixed proportions using band D as the base. The proportion you will pay is shown in the table below.
Band  Property value on 1 April 1991 Proportion
A  Up to £40,000 6/9
B  £40,001 to £52,000 7/9
C  £52,001 to £68,000 8/9
D  £68,001 to £88,000 9/9
E  £88,001 to £120,000 11/9
F  £120,001 to £160,000 13/9
G  £160,001 to £320,000 15/9
H  Over £320,000 18/9
We recover an element of council tax via special expenses when we provide a service in an area the town council or parish provide in other areas.
Parish 2024-2025  
North Sunderland £3834.00 Play area inspection and maintenance
Total £3834.00  
The council tax attributable to Northumberland County Council includes a precept to fund adult social care. Further details can be found here.

Here you will find information about how to appeal about your council tax valuation band.

Appeals to the Valuation Tribunal Service can be made for the following reasons: 


  • You should not be liable for council tax. 

  • A property for which you are liable should not be chargeable. 

  • You may be entitled to a discount or exemption, but the council has not awarded it. 

  • A civil penalty has been incorrectly charged. 

  • If you think your award of council tax support is incorrect. 


The council must first be notified of any of these matters then, if an agreement is not reached, an appeal to the Valuation Tribunal Service can be made. 

Your 2024-2025 council tax bill includes paying towards policing in Northumbria.

The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood and coastal erosion risk management for 6,500 kilometres of main river and along tidal and sea defences in the area of the North West regional flood and coastal committee.

The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood and coastal erosion risk management for 1,642 kilometres of main river and along tidal and sea defences in the area of the Northumbria regional flood and coastal committee.

Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NIFCA) is one of ten IFCAs in England, established in April 2011. The NIFCA district extends from the River Tyne to the Scottish border out to 6 nautical miles and up to the normal tidal limit of estuaries

The Northumberland Inshore Sea Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NIFCA) can raise revenue to help meet their spending requirements by issuing a levy. This is the total amount to be raised through the council tax from all the dwellings within the county. The levy is converted into an amount per council tax band that is added onto the council tax bill. 
The NIFCA notifies Northumberland County Council of the amount of their levy each year and the council collect this money on their behalf. 
Its primary function is to manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries, by securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry. 
Northumberland County Council's budget requirement for 2024-2025 is £426.32 million. This budget supports the delivery of quality services across the county.

The financial statement provides a summary of information about your council tax and how it is calculated.

2024-2025 Financial Statement

For adult social care authorities, council tax bills show two percentage changes: one for the part of the overall change attributable to the adult social care precept, and one for the part attributable to general expenditure.
The adult social care element represents an offer made by the Government to increase council tax to assist the council in meeting expenditure on adult social care. The council has taken up the option to raise an additional 2% in 2024-25 for adult social care. The additional 2% in relation to adult social care is calculated from the total council tax charge for the previous year and is not a 2% increase on the previous year's adult social care precept.
For example, the council’s council tax charge for a Band D dwelling in 2023-24 was £1,985.30 (made up of a general charge of £1,721.00 and an adult social care charge of £264.30) so the 2% additional charge for adult social care in 2024-25 is £39.71 (£1,985.30 x 2%). The overall charge for 2024-25 is a cumulative figure so the £39.71 is added to the 2023-24 charge of £264.30 to give a total charge for 2024-25 of £304.01 for a Band D dwelling.

Adult Social Care charge for 2024-25 – Band D

2023-24 adult social care charge 264.30   264.30
2023-24 Northumberland County Council charge 1721.00    
2023-24 Total 1985.30    x 2% 39.71
2024-25 adult social care charge     304.01


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