Financial help and assistance

Advice on financial support to help with funeral costs and the eligibility criteria you need to meet.

Financial help with funeral costs

Details of support available and the eligibility criteria you need to meet.

Paying for funeral costs

If you are the person responsible for funeral arrangements, you must ensure the bill is paid.

Costs may be paid using money from: 

  • The deceased’s estate. 
  • A funeral scheme or prepaid funeral plan the deceased may have been paying into. 
  • A life insurance policy or pension scheme. 
  • The bank or building society of the deceased, if they agree to release funds to pay for funeral costs. 
  • You or the executer- you may be able to recover money from the estate later. 

Burial, cremation and memorial fees. 

Financial help for people who receive certain benefits 

Help is available to cover funeral costs. If you feel costs are too high and you or your partner receive any of the following benefits, you may be eligible: 

  • Income support 
  • Income-based jobseekers; allowance 
  • Income-related employment and support allowance 
  • Pension credit 
  • Council tax benefit, or if the council taxpayer where you live gets a second adult rebate because you are on a low income 
  • Working tax credit, including disability or severe disability element  
  • Child tax credit at a rate higher than the family element 


Funding decisions that will be taken to account: 

  • Your relationship with the person who died. 
  • Any other money, other than your personal savings, that may be available to help with the cost of the funeral. 

Find out more on 
Department for  Work and Pensions' funeral payments 

Financial aid and allowances if your partner dies 

This is dependent on your age and whether your deceased husband, wife or civil partner paid national insurance contributions.  

You may be able to get one or more of the following bereavement benefits: 

  • Bereavement payment – one off tax-free payment 
  • Bereavement allowance – a weekly benefit which can be paid for up to 52 weeks 
  • Widowed parent’s allowance – a weekly benefit if you are a widow, widower or your civil partner has died, and you have a child or a qualifying young person between 16-20 

Call 0345 6060 265 to discus or visit Department for  Work and Pensions' funeral payments 

Useful organisations for further information 

Citizens Advice - Helps people resolve legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice. 

National Association of Funeral Directors - Phone: 0121 711 343 

National Society of Allied Independent Funeral Directors - Phone: 0345 230 6777 or 01279 726777