Here you will find information about services for looked-after children from other local authorities.
The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review statutory guidance and the associated regulations, (last updated July 2021) outline duties on local authorities to notify other local authorities if they place a child in care within their area. It also requires children’s homes to notify their host local authority when a child is placed with them by another authority. See: Notifying us of children from another area. Northumberland have agreed to notify Police of any out of area children they host, particularly where there is risk relating to missing, exploitation or trafficking – see: Children at risk of exploitation or going missing. To notify us of any looked-after/cared-for children from another local authority living in Northumberland, please email Changes of address and notifications of cared-for children leaving Northumberland should also be emailed to Please ensure notifications highlight any particular risks or vulnerabilities to assist the professional network within Northumberland to respond effectively to any issues that may arise.
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