Information about residential and nursing care homes

Learn more about residential and nursing care homes.

We want people to maintain their independence and stay in their own homes as long as possible. However, for people whose disability or illness is so serious they cannot stay in their own homes, moving into a care home may be an option.

Care homes provide care, accommodation and board for people needing high levels of support. They are required by law to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). 
People living in Northumberland who need this level of care can get financial support from the county council if they are not able to afford the fees themselves. Some people with particularly complex needs may be eligible for NHS funding for a place in a care home, regardless of their financial circumstances (but some care homes may charge higher fees than the NHS will pay). 
Contact us if you think you may need to move into a care home and would like advice or financial help
If you live in the county and qualify for financial support from the council or the NHS, we are responsible for arranging this even if you prefer to move to a care home somewhere else. 
Whether or not you need financial support, we recommend looking at a number of options.