Report obstructions on roads and pavements

Find information on what is classed as an obstruction and how to report it.

Blocked routes

If a pavement or road is blocked, let us know. There are lots of ways routes can be obstructed - a skip or an advertising board, overhanging tree branches, mud or debris on the road, or even poorly placed temporary roadworks. 

You can also use this form to report if pedestrians are at risk because roadworks aren’t fenced off. We will work with the people responsible to remove the obstacle. In serious cases, which endanger the public or break the law, legal action can be taken if the obstruction continues.

If a vehicle is causing the obstruction - contact the police. We have no power to enforce the law on illegally parked vehicles unless there is a line or a sign that prohibits parking.

Report a road or pavement obstruction 


The council has powers under Section 154 (1) of the Highways Act 1980, to advise the owner/occupier of adjoining land they are required to cut back vegetation so as to remove the cause or likelihood of danger, obstruction or interference to the users of the Highway (footpath).

In most cases the vegetation is cut back very quickly by the owner/ occupier, but in some instances this can be a lengthier process but be assured we will follow due process to ensure the work is carried out.

Additional guidance

Read the Guide for Land and Property Owners Responsibilities for Hedges, Trees and Verges within the Highway document