On street EV charging

Information regarding charging a EV vehicle parked on street.

On street EV charging applications

The Council recognises the benefits of EVs, particularly in relation to air quality, reducing carbon emissions, and the associated benefits to public health.

We are seeing an increase in the number of requests from residents seeking permission to charge their EVs when they do not have a driveway or other off-road parking to allow for the safe charging of their EV.

If you require this service. The Council is prepared to construct a channel allowing a charging cable to be safely run over or across the footway between your property and the road on the following understanding:
  1. The Council will provide you with a written installation quotation for the cost of installing the required channel in the footway;
  2. If you accept the quote and pay the required sum to the Council, we will then carry out the necessary works.
  3. Once the works have been completed, you will be granted a formal Consent under section 178 of the Highways Act 1980 to use that channel for the charging cable.
Click here to read the on street EV charging guidance for residents
Click here to view the terms and condition example letter

Apply for this service

Apply here 
(This will take you to fix my street. Enter your post code, then select your property location on the map that appears).

You can also telephone: 0345 600 6400.

Further Guidance

Parking your electric vehicle for charging  

At all times cars must be parked to comply with any existing on-street parking restrictions and the Highway Code. Vehicles must be parked as close to the property as possible to reduce unnecessary lengths of cable being placed on the footpath. Cars must not be parked on the footpath.

If you are unable to park your vehicle directly outside your property, and an additional length of cable is required, you should run the cable from your property into the carriageway channel and safely run it alongside the kerb. Care must be taken to prevent the cable from being tangled with other vehicles, bicycles and street furniture.

The maximum recommended distance from the point where the charging cable leaves your property is 10 metres or approximately 2 car lengths.

Under no circumstances will the charging cable be permitted to cross the carriageway. Therefore, your car must be parked on the same side of the road as your property.

Charging your electric vehicle

At all times refer to your manufacturers handbook for charging your vehicle and follow their guidance.

If you have to use an extension lead to charge your vehicle it must be suitable for external use and all instructions must be followed. If in doubt, please consult with a qualified electrician.

When placing cables on the footpath they should be laid flat and must never be extended from an upper storey to a vehicle, nor should they be hung from or attached to any street furniture including lamp columns, bollards, benches and trees.

Cable should be removed immediately from the footway once a vehicle is charged.

It is the resident's responsibility to ensure that the cable and installed channel does not cause a danger or a nuisance to the public, or limit access for pedestrians with disabilities.