Cigarette being snapped in half

Swap to Stop Smoking in Northumberland

Smokers in Northumberland can now take advantage of a FREE scheme which encourages them to swap cigarettes for vapes.  

After signing up to a six-week programme of support, free vape starter kits will be offered to smokers to help them kick the costly and dangerous habit. The scheme is available to current smokers who are over 18 and a resident of Northumberland. 
Swap to Stop is part of a national programme to help people to quit. The scheme is part of a series of measures to help reduce smoking rates to 5% or less by 2030.    

Up to 2 out of 3 lifelong smokers will die from smoking. The costs of smoking to the smokers, their families, the National Health Service and to society is devastating.   

Councillor Wendy Pattison, chair of the Northumberland Tobacco Control Partnership, said: “Quitting is one of the best things smokers can do for their health.  

“The Swap to Stop programme will offer smokers a free vape and lots of support in their quit attempt. They will be offered a choice of products, strengths and flavours to allow them to find the best product for them. 

“Research shows that vaping is an effective way of quitting smoking for good. Although vaping is not risk free, it is a fraction of the risk of smoking and is proven to be popular and effective way to help smokers end their habit.”   

For more information about Swap to Stop please call 01670 813135 or email  
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