Artist's impression of Wansbeck Square in Ashington

Residents invited to Ashington drop-in events

Northumberland County Council is hosting two drop-in events in Ashington this month where residents and businesses can learn more about ambitious plans for the town centre. 

The sessions will be held in the Arts Room at the YMCA, North View, on Saturday 18th May between 10am and 1pm and on Wednesday 22nd May between 4pm and 7pm.

Officers from the County Council and Advance Northumberland, as well as the consultants developing the project designs, will be available to discuss the plans for Wansbeck Square, Portland Park cinema and restaurants and Grand Corner. 

The drop-ins are key to gathering residents’ views as part of the ongoing £30m regeneration programme in the town. 

The County Council recently acquired sites at Wansbeck Square and Woodhorn Road, known locally as ‘Grand Corner’ as part of the long-term vision for the town centre, improving pedestrian movements from the new Ashington Station through the high street and includes creating an attractive link from Woodhorn Road to Portland Park. 

The investments are designed to create new facilities at either end of the high street that will attract the community and visitors, increasing vibrancy, footfall and spending. 

Councillor Richard Wearmouth, Cabinet Member for Supporting Business and Opportunities, said: “These are exciting times for the town and I know we’re all keen for schemes to progress, so getting people’s input is really important. 

“With such a lot going on in the town, from the new rail station nearing completion, a state-of-the-art college coming and a far-reaching masterplan for the Hirst, we want to bring people and partners with us on this journey. 

“I hope people will be able to come along and find out more about the future for Ashington.” 

Ashington Central County Councillor Caroline Ball added: “I hope people and businesses will turn up and have their voices heard." 

At the drop-ins, information on other initiatives in the town including the Northumberland Line and Accelerate Ashington, will also be available. 

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