Council welcomes Minister visit into farming review
20 May 2024 ARCHIVED (over 3 months old) - view latest news
The Council welcomed a Ministerial visit as part of its ongoing work looking into the future of farming in Northumberland.
Robbie Moore MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Water and Rural Growth) came to County Hall to talk through the findings of the Council’s Future of Farming Inquiry and plans going forward.
As part of the Council’s ambitious plans to drive the county towards carbon neutrality by 2030, in addition to ensuring the future of farming incomes and food security, the Future of Farming report puts Northumberland in the driving seat of the agricultural transition.
The report explores the challenges of moving towards low-carbon manufacturing, sustaining food production, large-scale tree planting and peat restoration, supporting farming businesses to survive and thrive as well as balancing the future interests of estate landowners and tenant farmers.
Following extensive consultation, the Council is working through a series of recommendations which include closer collaborative working, better access to training, improved digital connectivity and championing the ‘made in Northumberland’ brand.
Council leader, Glen Sanderson, said: “It’s great to see this work progressing. Farming is such a huge part of our identity here in Northumberland and we need to fully support our farming communities to become more sustainable.
“Being a farmer myself I know the importance of future-proofing our agricultural sector in a way that works effectively for everyone, and I was pleased to welcome the Minister.
“It was a very useful meeting and the Minister listened to a lively debate before taking away a copy of the report.”
A committee of 11 independent experts from the rural and farming industry in Northumberland, including representatives from the Northumberland National Park Authority, National Farmers Union, the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) and the Farming and Countryside Commission, are taking the work forward.
Read the Future of Farming Inquiry.