Image of the Adult Services Extra Care and Supported Living Strategy 2024

Council investing millions into developing accommodation with support

Cabinet has endorsed the Adult Services Extra Care and Supported Living Strategy which aims to improve access to a range of different housing options in suitable locations for adults with social care and support needs including people with disabilities, mental health conditions and medical conditions.  
The strategy places a particular emphasis on the council's aspiration to develop Extra Care for older people in Northumberland to improve housing options and choice. 
Northumberland County Councillor Wendy Pattison, Cabinet Member for Caring for Adults, said: “We want to see all adults in Northumberland living well, regardless of age, background, illness or disability. 
Our aim is to develop accommodation that offers a range of support such as assistive technology, disability-friendly design, and access to care and support services to enable people to continue to live as independently as possible in the community. 
“We are keen to work with developers and registered housing providers to design schemes that will deliver this ambition.” 
The Council is seeking to develop accommodation with support which can provide homes and support for people with higher needs and offer an alternative to residential care. 
Accommodation will be designed to meet the changing needs of older people in suitable locations and designed to be enable people to stay in their homes if their needs increase. 
The designs will incorporate technology solutions and specialist equipment to help people live well and remain independent. 
Wherever possible, schemes will be central to communities with opportunities to be focal points for inter-generational community activity. 
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