National Offers Day First and Primary Schools

Vast majority of Northumberland families gain their first-choice school

For more information visit School Admissions FAQ 

The vast majority families in Northumberland have once again gained their top choice of first or primary school on National Offers Day for September 2024. 
This year, the council received 2,576 applications, compared to 2,640 last year. 
First preference of place went to 97.71% of those who applied on time, compared to 98% last year. 
Cllr Guy Renner-Thompson, Cabinet member with responsibilities for Inspiring Young People, said: “This is great news for Northumberland families. 
“Our teams work really hard throughout the year to ensure that our young people can receive the best education for them as close to their homes as possible.  
“The number of schools rated Good or Outstanding is currently 93.3%,  higher than the national average and means that 41,349 pupils in Northumberland are in Good or Outstanding schools. 
“We look forward to welcoming the children to their new schools in September to start this exciting milestone in their education journey.” 

For more information visit School Admissions FAQ 

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