Join our Parkrun "Takeover" to change the story and end domestic abuse and violence against women and girls
15 Nov 2023 ARCHIVED (over 3 months old) - view latest news
For more information about Northumberland’s Integrated Domestic Abuse Support Service visit:
Northumberland County Council and its community partners are "taking over” five local Parkruns later this month to mark the start of an annual campaign to end domestic abuse and violence against women and girls.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence begins on Saturday 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, known as White Ribbon Day, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
On Saturday November 25, there will be takeovers at:
- Blyth Links Parkrun
- Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Parkrun
- Tyne Green Parkrun, Hexham
- Carlisle Park Parkrun, Morpeth
- Druridge Bay Parkrun
Teams from the council, its partners and community volunteers, including Young Leaders from Leading Link, will be marshalling the routes as well as being on hand to raise awareness about Northumberland’s Integrated Domestic Abuse Support Service which is provided by Harbour, NDAS, Acorns and Cygnus Support.
They will also be inviting people to sign up to become White Ribbon ambassadors and champions to help end violence against women and girls.
Runners are invited to wear a touch of orange to show their support for the campaign.
Leader of the Council, Glen Sanderson said: “The council is proud to support White Ribbon Day and the 16 Days of Activism as we want Northumberland to be a safe place for everyone.
“One in four women and one in six men world-wide will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Domestic abuse has long lasting impacts on health and wellbeing. But we want all survivors of domestic abuse to know - you are not alone.
“Here in Northumberland, there are lots of brilliant people and organisations here to support you.
“Through these Parkrun takeovers we hope to share lots of information about them, so that everyone knows who to contact if they need support.
“We hope that others will join us and pledge action on White Ribbon Day and during the 16 Days in your workplace, school, sports club, local pub and bars, and communities.
“Together we can unite as team and to work towards changing the story and ending violence against women and girls.”
This year, the White Ribbon campaign is encouraging individuals and organisations to make consistent choices and actions to #ChangeTheStory for women and girls, so that they may live their lives free from the fear of violence.
Violence and abuse experienced by women and girls takes many forms. Some behaviours and words may seem ‘harmless’ but normalising them ignores the short- and long-term effects on women and can lead to more extreme violence.
Being allies with women every day shouldn’t be underestimated — even the smallest actions can affect big change.
Among the volunteers who will marshalling at the Parkruns are Young Leaders from Bedlington-based youth provider Leading Link.
The charity’s team of Young Leaders give up their spare time to run wide range of community activities for other young people – such as supporting with Northumberland’s Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme and its summer camps, that helped hundreds of young people have fun and make memories over the holidays.
As well as marshalling on the day, they are also taking part in sessions to talk about issues related to White Ribbon, violence against women and girls, any gender -based violence and the role everyone can play in bringing about culture change.
Chris Johnson, Operations Manager at Leading Link, said: “Young people have always been the backbone of what we strive to do as a charity and hundreds of Young Leaders have been offered thousands of opportunities to develop their skills, maximise their potential and have a load of fun along the way.
“Their enthusiasm and passion to get involved in the local community is the power behind Leading Link and we’re very proud of the role they play in supporting and inspiring other young people in our communities.
“They are really pleased to support these Parkrun takeovers to help raise awareness what everyone can do to help end domestic abuse and violence against women and girls.”
Sign up for the Parkruns here:
For more information about Northumberland’s Integrated Domestic Abuse Support Service visit: