Image demonstrating New provider sought for Briardale Community Centre

New provider sought for Briardale Community Centre

The Briardale Community Centre has been a successful community building offering a variety and of services and support to the local community of Cowpen and Kitty Brewster for the past 20 years.

Northumberland County Council now seeks a new provider to take on the provision of much valued community services from this busy and potentially vibrant site. The County Council wants to contract with a new organisation to take over the management of the building and the ongoing service provision.  

Current services provided include hosting of a crèche / childcare organisation, which provides early education and daycare services; an older persons’ Friendship Club; youth based services; and the hiring of room space to a variety of community groups, including weight loss classes, craft clubs, family history societies and the like.  The Centre also offers conferencing facilities, a community garden and a functioning kitchen providing meals and catering services.

This is an exciting new opportunity and the County Council and its partners will work closely with the new provider to ensure a smooth transition so that high quality community services can be delivered.

For more details, including the selection process and an expression of interest form which interested providers should fill in, go HERE or contact Tony Kirsop, Community Regeneration Manager on 01670 624744 (during office hours) or

Expressions of interest should be submitted to the County Council by 15 February 2019.  A decision will be made in week commencing 18 February 2019 and it is intended that the new provider will assume management of the Centre from 4 March 2019, subject to negotiation.
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