Moving Schools (In-Year Applications)

Moving Schools (In-Year Applications)

In-year admissions are those that take place other than the normal time of entry to the school.

  • An in-year admission could be a move between Northumberland schools, or a move to a Northumberland school from a school in a different county or country.
  • You can submit an application for a school place up to 30 school days before the intended start date. When we have received a valid application, along with the appropriate documentary evidence, we aim to process it within 15 school days.
  • From 1 May you can apply for the new school year, and from 28 June all applications will only be processed for the new school year (September).
    • You will get your offer of a place before the end of the academic year if you submit your application from 1 May to 28 June. 
    • Applications made after 28 June cannot be guaranteed an offer of a place for the start of the new school year due to school summer holiday break. We aim to process your application within 15 school days.

Your reason for applying/circumstances may affect how you apply.

Think carefully before moving your child from their current school:
  • Each school teaches the National Curriculum in different ways and at different times of the academic year. Your child may miss out on or repeat parts of the curriculum at the new school, which will have a significant impact on their learning.
  • If your child is in Key Stage 3 it may not be possible for the school to immediately place your child into the most appropriate class group for their abilities. (Additionally your child may not be able to take the same subjects at a new school, or choose the same options if they are in Year 9, so previous work might be wasted).
  • If your child is in Key Stage 4 they may lose the work they have already done if they can't study the same exam course/subject at the new school.
  • Starting a new school means a settling in period where you child will need to learn new rules, ethos and expectations. They will need to get to know new teachers, and make new friends. You will also need to purchase a new uniform, including PE kit.
  • Other siblings will have no automatic right to transfer to the new school, either now or in the future. If the school is not your catchment school, you will be responsible for getting your child to and from school. If siblings go to other schools, getting them all to school at the same time may be difficult for you.
Before you apply:

Many issues that worry parents/carers and children can be put right without the need to move schools. Before you consider changing your child’s school, we recommend that you reflect and discuss the move with your child’s tutor/head of year or head teacher prior to making an application.
  • Have you sat down with your child to talk about the points raised here and to find out how they really feel about moving to a new school?
  • What is the real reason why your child wants move schools? If they are worried about certain subjects, have you spoken to the subject teachers who teach your child to find out how they are getting on?
  • If your child needs extra help or has needs that aren’t being recognised, have you spoken to the teacher in charge of special needs (SENCO)?
  • If there are concerns about bullying, friendship issues, or teaching speak to your child's class teacher or Head of Year.
  • If you are not happy about the way the school is working with your child you should speak to the head teacher. All schools have a complaints policy which will set out how to raise your concerns and what steps the school will take to help resolve them.
If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan, you will need to contact the Statutory Assessment Team instead of following the usual in-year admissions process.

More information SEND Support Services 


If you are relocating, you will need to provide proof of your new address with your application. If you are unable to provide proof of your new address, you can apply using your old address. However this may affect how your application is considered against the over-subscription criteria for your chosen schools. 

If we're not able to offer you a place at one of your preferred schools, we will try to offer you a place at the next nearest school to your new address with availability (subject to proof of address).

In the UK, the law says children must be receiving an education between the school term after their fifth birthday, and the last Friday in June in the school year they turn 16.
If you are moving from overseas, temporarily or permanently, your child may be eligible for a school place.  You will need to provide proof of your new address. Your child must be:
  • Aged between 4 and 16
  • Intending to attend a Northumberland school for at least 30 school days
If you are applying for a Year 11 school place between April and July, please don't submit an application. This is due to GCSE exams and study leave taking place during this period. Please email for further guidance and include your full name, address and contact details.
We can allocate a school place in advance if you provide an official government letter stating your relocation date and intended address. We will accept a unit postal address or a quartering area address for applications from service personnel in the absence of a new postal address. You will need to attach this documentation to your online application.
We only accept online applications. Please contact the school admissions team on 01670 624889 or if you require a paper copy.

To apply please complete the form below:
Link to online Schools Application Form

Please record your unique reference number and quote, along with your child’s name and date of birth if you require further assistance.
When we have received a valid application, along with the appropriate documentary evidence, we aim to process it within 15 school days. 

Please do not call the admissions team if you are still within the 15 day window as high volumes of calls can result in processing delays.