Real Stories

Hear from some of our current apprentices.

There's many different pathways into an apprenticeship. Hear from some of our current apprentices on why it was the right route for them.

Niamh McIntyre - Former Level 3 Health and Wellbeing Apprenticeship

Niamh Macintyre Health and Wellbeing Apprentice

“I’ve always been interested in healthy lifestyles and helping others, and I can’t wait to take on more responsibility once I’ve found my feet.”   

University isn't for everyone so when thinking about what she wanted to do after school Health and Wellbeing Apprentice Niamh, was pleased to find an apprenticeship that sparked her interest. Niamh's favourite part of her apprenticeship was the support from her new colleagues and managers: "Everyone is so supportive, my manager listens to my ideas and I felt part of the team from day one."

Now Niamh has finished her apprenticeship her apprenitceship and is a full time member of the health and wellbeing team looking forward to starting a degree apprenticeship in the near future.

Tom - Gas Engineer

Gas Apprentice Thomas with a tool belt

“I didn't know what I wanted to do. I gave it a go and I found a job I really enjoyed. Make sure it's something you enjoy doing then you'll have fun."

Not knowing what he wanted to do in life, Thomas took a shot at a gas engineering apprenticeship. Starting with the council at 17 he quickly grew to love the trade and within 2 years he had become a fully qualified gas engineer.

Now in a full-time position as a gas engineer, Thomas is setting his sights on additional qualifications soon to start his training on air source heat pumps. 

Cerys - Level 3 Civil Engineering Apprentice


"No two days are the same"

Cerys started her civil engineering apprenticeship in September 2022 and loves the mix of office based and site based working. Getting the oportunity to earn while she learnt was a big draw as well as not wanting to be in student loan debt. 

An apprenticeship in the puclic sector is really rewarding, making an impact on residents lives and seeing real change in communities.
“I really wanted to make a difference in my local community because I'm from Northumberland."

Ellie Saunders – Level 2 Countryside Worker Apprentice


“Do it, there are so many benefits doing an apprenticeship for the council” 

Ellie started her countryside worker apprenticeship in September 2023. Ellie didn’t want to go to university as she feels she learns better in a practical environment so decided an apprenticeship was the route to take. The countryside worker apprenticeship came up at the perfect time for her and aligned with what she wanted to do in the future. She loved the idea of working for Northumberland County Council and after doing some research into the organisations vision and values and benefits of working here.
After completing her apprenticeship Ellie hopes to have a lasting career in the council and aims to build her skills further through a higher-level advanced apprenticeship within countryside work.

Matt - Degree Apprentice


Matt knew he didn't like learning in a traditional classroom setting and wanted the hands on experience you get with an apprenticeship: "Choosing an apprenticeship was a no brainer for me."

After completing his level 3 digital marketing apprenitceship Matt secured a full-time role supporting the Culture Team and Children's Services with their communications and marketing. Knowing how beneficial apprenticeships are Matt then decided to upskill with a degree apprenticeship to further his career even more: 

"It's given me a clear indication for what my goals are in the future, where I want to go in life and motivated me to reach for my goals."