Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Service

The Behaviour Support Team provide support and advice to schools and young people who are displaying challenging behaviour as a result of an underlying social, emotional or mental health need.

The Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Service provides support and advice to schools and young people. The service is in place to help young people that are displaying challenging behaviour as a result of their underlying social and emotional needs.

Our purpose is to improve educational outcomes for these children and young people across Northumberland. We aim to develop and enhance the skills and practices of school staff.

Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Service Core Offer

MAPA Training has been rebranded as Safety Intervention Training (SIT)

The Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support staff are certified instructors for BILD accredited SIT (Safety Intervention Training formerly MAPA® training (Management of Actual or Potential Aggression)This training develops the skills and knowledge of school staff, so that they can effectively manage the needs of pupils displaying challenging behaviour.  For further information re: SIT training please contact us at ewb.sit@northumberland.gov.uk

For further information please click here to access our SIT flyer

Our team can:

  • provide examples of de-escalation strategies
  • offer advice on the creation of behaviour management plans, risk assessments, and individual support plans
  • offer advice on appropriate reward and sanction systems

These strategies, plans, and systems can be used to meet the needs of individual pupils and/or the wider school population. 

Watch this video with further information for school

Click here to access the Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Padlet

Click here to access EWB Information Pack

If you require an EWB consultation, please click on the link below

Please click here to access the EWB Consultation booking system

Request for Individual Support

The service accepts requests for support from school staff only. To access support for individual pupils, you MUST complete the following forms:

Northumberland Inclusive Education Services 'Individual Request for Support'

The forms can be filled in electronically and emailed to the team, or printed and posted.

The request for support MUST be accompanied by evidence of a graduated response to meet the identified need: 

SEN Support Plan showing at least 2 evaluated cycles of intervention. 

The Interventions targeted should be relevant to the presenting concern highlighted. 

Please note: evidence of a graduated response is not required in the following circumstances: 

A sudden acute change of circumstances 
A learner new to the County displaying significant need

NB.  A Signed Parental consent is required for all individual requests for support.
A digital consent form is available on request.  The form MUST be completed and returned from the parent/carer's personal email account.

Request for Whole School Support

School staff should use this form to request training, whole class support, small group work, school development work, etc. 

The form can be filled in electronically and emailed to the team, or printed and posted. Please click on the link below to access the document.  

Click here to access NIES Whole school request support form

NIES whole school support form

Information is stored according to Northumberland County Council’s policies and adheres to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Service Manager - Fiona Tarn
Office Manager - Helen Robson

Information is stored according to Northumberland County Council’s policies and adheres to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).