Proud of our local food & businesses that promote it Many businesses in Northumberland boast a wide variety of county produce and acclaimed local delicacies for visitors to enjoy.
Our Produced in Northumberland scheme has loads of food and drink producers who are offering local delivery and online ordering services of their Northumbrian goods during these unprecedented times. From butchers, bakers and gin makers, we have you covered with the necessities as well as some treats for friends and family during these difficult times. It's more important than ever before to support your local businesses. Click here to view all Produced in Northumberland businesses who are offering local deliveries.
Click here to learn more about Produced in Northumberland
We’re proud of our local food and the businesses that promote it which is why we use our Produced in Northumberland stamp to verify them. This way you’ll know that the food and drink you’re enjoying has come straight from our brilliant county. From butchers to bakers, B&Bs to breweries, visit the Produced in Northumberland website here to see the businesses that give you the true taste of the county. Why not follow us on Twitter @ProducedinNland Facebook - Instagram - Linkedin -
Get authentic Northumberland products while supporting local businesses and reducing your food miles. Click here to find Produced in Northumberland businesses selling wonderful local produce.
When you buy Produced in Northumberland, you're helping to support local businesses and jobs in the county. Click here to search for Produced in Northumberland participating businesses.
Join a strong and unique brand and attract customers that want the full experience of the county. Click here to find out how to to join Produced in Northumberland.
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