The Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership

This is your county and the Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership works on your behalf to improve it.

This is your county and the Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership works on your behalf to improve it.

Violence, Exploitation & Abuse: 

  • Serious Violence and Knife Crime
    Prevent Exploitation of the Vulnerable and Modern-Day Slavery in Northumberland    
    Domestic Abuse including Violence Against Women and Girls and Domestic Homicide Reviews 

Serious Violence Duty  

The Serious Violence Duty was introduced through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, and requires specified authorities to plan and collaborate to prevent and tackle serious violence in their local area. It requires them to work together, using existing partnerships where possible, to share information and take effective coordinated action with their local communities. The Safer Northumberland Partnership with the Northumbria Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) works to the duty to prevent and reduce serious violence. This will include development and publication of Serious Violence Needs Assessment, Serious Violence Strategy and a Northumberland based action plan. To read more about the Duty, visit Serious Violence Duty   

You can read more about our response to serious violence in the Northumbria Response Strategy 2024-29, this document sets out a long-term united approach to addressing the root causes of violence, the challenges ahead, and how we will work to overcome these. 

The strategy has been developed in partnership with a range of services, all with a shared commitment to addressing the root causes and impact of serious violence. 

Prevent Exploitation of the Vulnerable and Modern-Day Slavery in Northumberland 

The Safer Northumberland Partnership (SNP) work in conjunction with Northumberland Children and Adults Safeguarding Partnership (NCASP) to lead on the development of strategic work in relation to all aspects of exploitation, including but not limited to; Sexual Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation, Modern Slavery and Trafficking, Female Genital Mutilation and Missing. To see more on this and the work of NCASP, visit Northumberland Children and Adults Safeguarding Partnership (NCASP) and NCASP multi-agency training resources  

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) 

Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR’s) were established under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, as a means of conducting a multi-agency review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person to whom they were related or with whom they were in, or had been in an intimate personal relationship with, or a member of the same household. Also, where a victim took their own life (suicide) and the circumstances give rise to concern, for example it emerges that there was coercive controlling behaviour in the relationship, a review should be undertaken. 

The DHR is held with a view to identifying the lessons to be learnt from the death. 

The DHR multi-agency statutory guidance, published by the Home Office in December 2016, provides information on the purpose of a domestic homicide review, conducting a review, involving families and friends and the importance of having a representative review panel. 

Recent Safer Northumberland Partnership reviews 

"Mrs C" Click here to read the independent review - Mrs C
"Rachel" Click here to read the independent review- Rachel
"Richard" Click here to read the independent review - Richard

  • Anti-Social Behaviour 
    Problem Solving Approach to allow neighbourhoods to thrive
    Promotion of a positive Northumberland through effective community engagement activities

Anti-Socal Behaviour (ASB) 

You should never have to endure behaviour which causes alarm, harassment or distress. We know ASB can have a big impact on your quality of life and we are committed in delivering the firm message that this behaviour will be tackled and not tolerated. ASB covers a lot of different types of behaviour and can affect people in many ways. ASB means behaviour causing or likely to cause nuisance, annoyance, harassment, alarm, or distress to any member of the public or which may have a detrimental effect on someone’s quality of life.    

ASB Case Review  

An ASB Case Review, formerly known as a Community Trigger, is an important statutory safety net for victims and communities experiencing ASB, to request a review of their ASB case and to bring agencies together to take a joined up, problem solving approach to find a solution for the victim(s).  

An activation should be made where the Threshold is met and where victims are unsatisfied with the response they have received from the relevant agencies.  
The ASB Case Review process is designed to put victims at the heart of the case investigation process and for agencies to ensure you feel supported and listened to.  


In Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, the threshold to activate an ASB Case Review is:  

  • An application for an ASB Case Review is received, and; 
  • At least three qualifying complaints have been made about anti-social behaviour in the past 6 months. 

How to Activate an ASB Case Review?  

In Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, ASB Case Review activations across all of the 6 Local Authorities are coordinated by the Northumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner who will:  

  • Acknowledge receipt of your ASB Case Review request.  

  • Liaise with the relevant Community Safety Partnerships.  

  • Share information with agencies who are responsible for managing anti-social behaviour.  

  • Record and publish relevant data relating to ASB Case Review activations.  

If you meet the threshold for an ASB Case Review you can contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to raise a request in the following ways:  
Online form accessed here

ASB Case Review Statutory Reporting January 2023   

  • Preventing Violence Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism 

  • Protecting Northumberland and making it even safer  

  • Tension Monitoring building more cohesive communities 


The Governments counter terrorism strategy CONTEST was introduced in 2003 and has four key objectives. The Safer Northumberland Partnership has responsibilities particularly in relation to Prevent and Protect.   

  • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.  

  • Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack.  

  • Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks.  

  • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.  

CONTEST - The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism 2023  


The Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership is responsible for the local co-ordination of the Prevent objective, which in 2015 was placed on a statutory basis. The Prevent duty is contained within the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, and detailed within the Prevent duty guidance  

Prevent has three objectives in CONTEST: 

  • to tackle the ideological causes of terrorism;  

  • to intervene early to support people to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism; and  

  • to rehabilitate those who have engaged in terrorist activity. 


Channel is a key element of Prevent and focuses on safeguarding providing support at an early stage to people who are at risk of radicalisation, supporting terrorism or committing terrorist acts. Channel Duty Guidance  

Channel uses a multi-agency approach to:  

  • identify people at risk   

  • assess the nature and extent of that risk   

  • develop the most appropriate support plan for the person concerned. 

Report your concerns and make a Prevent referral   

Anyone can refer an individual who they feel is vulnerable to radicalisation and simply doing so does not criminalise those who are referred. The emphasis is on safeguarding individuals and protecting the public. 

Fill out a prevent referral form and email to:  and 

Report suspicious activity    

If you’ve seen or heard something that could potentially be related to terrorism, trust your instincts,  report it here and  ACT. Your actions could save lives.  

For all suspicious behaviour which may require an immediate response contact Northumbria Police on 101 or in an emergency 999. 

Protect and Prepare  

The Terrorism (Protection of premises) draft Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law, is awaiting introduction to Parliament and the draft provisions in the Bill are not yet law and are subject to change. 

ProtectUK is a free resource that includes a wealth of information to help business and the public with counter terrorism support and guidance to effectively protect and prepare. 

Work to suppress and tackle Crime and Serious Organised Crime 


Take a partnership approach to reduce the harm of illicit drug misuse including County Lines  


Information and Intelligence development in pursuance of the prevention and detection of Crime and Serious Organised Crime 


How we do this  

Northumbria Police are the first point of contact for reporting and dealing with crime and serious organised crime. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998, requires the Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership to work collectively to make communities a better place to live, work and visit and the partnership works to that objective in Northumberland. Local initiatives are undertaken and targeted to address the harm crime can cause and we will continue to do so. The partnership approach is critical to this and delivered through arrangements such as Operation Sentinel and working closely with the Northumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.  

To report to police a concern, incident or crime contact Northumbria Police .        


Work with rural communities to promote confidence and reduce the fear of crime   


Develop intelligence and investigative capabilities to tackle rural crime  


Work in partnership to reduce the impact and harm of rural crime upon communities 

How we do this

Northumberland has a significant rural landscape, and the Safer Northumberland Community Safety Partnership recognises that communities and those, living, visiting and working in these areas should feel be safe from crime and the fear of crime. Accordingly, the partnership recognises as a priority the need to address rural crime and support those communities. The Northumberland Partnership Against Rural Crime (NPARC) is an initiative that involves and engages a wide range of stakeholders to achieve this, and which works with the Safer Northumberland Partnership to deliver initiatives and protect rural communities. Both partnerships will look to develop and grow this capability. NPCC Rural and Wildlife Crime Strategy   



Phone: 0345 600 6400
