Online communities & social media

This page tells you about our social media channels.

Our social media channels are used by more than 26,000 people to keep up-to-date on issues like school closures or road conditions. Many also use social media to find out about events and the latest council news as well as job vacancies.

Our social media channels

Twitter (X)

Click here to visit our twitter page
Twitter (now known as X) is a free micro-blogging and social media service that allows users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters. We 'tweet' important alerts, public consultations, news headlines and local events.

Our channels:  


Click here to visit our Facebook page
Facebook is a free social networking website. Users can join networks organised by city, workplace, school and region to connect and interact with people. We use Facebook to raise awareness of campaigns and consultations.

Our channels:
Click here and like our pages for: Groups   


Linked in Logo
LinkedIn is an online professional network which links you with colleagues past and present. Users can post their CVs online and network with individuals and organisations to find out about job opportunities.

Our channels:  


Connect with us on Nextdoor  
Nextdoor is a hyperlocal social networking service for neighborhoods  


Link to our YouTube video channel
YouTube is a free online video sharing application.
We use YouTube to share videos about the work we do and events.

Our channels:


Instagram logo
Instagram is an online photo and video sharing social network that is mainly based on mobile devices. It takes photos and videos and adds them to photo maps, organised by ‘hashtags’. We use the service to display pictures and videos from the county.

Partner organisations 

Advance Northumberland 


Active Northumberland

Please exercise safe surfing guidelines when using the internet and Facebook. The presence of any advertisement on online communities is not an endorsement of the authenticity or quality of the goods, services or website and Northumberland County Council will not be held responsible for any claims arising in that respect.
Please take care not to make libellous statements. In law this means a statement that lowers the reputation of a person or organisation in the eyes of a reasonable person. By publishing such a statement, we can both get into serious trouble. We will therefore take down any statement that could be deemed to be libellous.
Most online communities have their own rules and guidelines, which we will always follow. We reserve the right to remove any contributions that break the rules or guidelines of the relevant community. We ask that you:
  • be civil, tasteful and relevant
  • don’t post messages that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive
  • don’t swear
  • don’t post content copied from elsewhere if you don’t own the copyright
  • don’t post the same message, or similar messages, more than once (also called "spamming")
  • don’t publicise your, or anyone else's personal information, such as contact details
  • don’t advertise products or services
  • don’t impersonate anyone else

Our Social media moderation policy states 

We love to hear your opinions about the content we add to this page, but please keep it friendly and respect that it is seen by people of all ages. We reserve the right to delete posts that are offensive, defamatory, abusive, profane, factually incorrect, off-topic, political, or spam and reserve the right to block repeat offenders, fake accounts and those not complying with the Facebook terms of service at
During pre-election periods we will remove political comments on our posts in line with the Local Government Association's Pre-election Period Guidance.
In the six-week run up to an election - local, general or European - councils have to be careful not to do or say anything that could be seen to support any political party or candidate. The period is known as purdah. We will continue to publish important service announcements using social media, but may have to remove responses if they are overtly party political.