Have your say on council services 

Our People’s Panel is the best way to have your say on Council services and help shape the future of Northumberland.

If you live in Northumberland, are 18 years or over sign up today. Unsubscribe anytime.

Sign up now

Why should I get involved?

By signing up, you will be helping us to make our services user-friendly and accessible to all.

Research carried out allows us to better understand our residents, business and communities.

What will I have to do?

Once you are signed up, you will be asked to:
  • Answer questions by email
  • Try out new online transaction services
  • Talk to researchers about how you found previous interactions with our services
  • Attend focus groups to discuss specific topics
When you sign up, you can say whether you would prefer to participate in person or online.
If you do participate in person, you will be given a voucher for your time.

How much time will I need?

There is no particular time commitment we will need from you. You will receive invites to participate by email, but you don’t have to say yes.
You can unsubscribe from the panel at any time by emailing peoplespanel@northumberland.gov.uk.

Can I sign up?

To join the panel you must be:
  • Aged 18 or over
  • Have an email address
  • Live in Northumberland
The panel is open to anyone who fits this criteria, no matter how long you have lived in Northumberland, your employment status or ethnicity.

Sign up now

Once you sign up, a team member will be in touch to welcome you to the panel.

How will my personal data be used?

Your privacy is our top priority. We’ll keep your details secure and won’t share them with anyone outside of our panel partnership. View our privacy notice.