Image demonstrating Referendum date set for Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan 

Referendum date set for Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan 

A local referendum on the Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan will take place on Thursday 29 August 2024 and all residents in the Parish who are registered to vote will be able to have a say on the Plan.   
The Planning referendum is being held to get residents’ views on whether they wish to support the Neighbourhood Plan which addresses issues local people have identified as important in their area.   
If a majority of residents who vote in the referendum are in favour of the Plan, it will be used by County Council Officers to make decisions on planning applications in the Parish. 
The referendum will run in the same way as a local election, with all those eligible to vote receiving a polling card, and the options of postal and proxy voting being available to those who are registered.   
The polls will take place from 7am until 10pm on Thursday 29 August and people will find details of which polling station to attend on their polling card.  
Residents must also remember to take photographic Voter ID if they are voting at the polling station. This new legislation brought in by government does not apply to electors who vote by post. 
Accepted forms of ID include: a photocard driving licence (full or provisional), passport, concessionary travel pass, such as an older person’s bus pass, or blue badge. Voters will be able to use expired photo ID, as long as it remains a good enough likeness for the polling station staff to be able to identify the voter. The photo ID should be the original version and not a copy.    
Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate either online or by completing a paper application.  
The full list of accepted ID is available on the Electoral Commission website, along with more information about the new requirement and details of how to apply for free voter ID, at   
New applications to register to vote must be received by Monday 12 August and new applications for postal voting must be received in the Elections Office by 5pm on Tuesday 13 August.  
Residents should contact the elections team as soon as possible on 01670 624844 if they want to register to vote or register for postal voting.  
The Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents can be viewed on the County Council’s Neighbourhood Planning website at:   
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