Roadworks in the street

Changes introduced at Cramlington roundabout roadworks

Changes are being introduced for the next phase of works to construct a new roundabout in Cramlington.  
The works are being carried out by a private contractor, Fred Mence Construction, on behalf of Bellway Homes and Persimmon Homes and are to fulfil the requirements of the planning permission for the housing developments at St Nicholas Manor adjacent to the A1171 Crow Hall Lane.  
The works are being carried out in a number of phases and started last summer. The Council is continuing to work with the housing developers and contractors to try and minimise disruption while allowing the works to be carried out safely. 
The current focus of the works is the construction of the much bigger new roundabout at the Station Road intersection with Westmorland Way and Crowhall Lane.  
Half of this roundabout has been constructed but space is now very restricted to be able to carry out the remaining works to the roundabout whilst keeping traffic flowing on Station Road. 
To complete the main construction of the roundabout and keep  traffic flowing east  and west, changes are coming into effect from Monday, March 20th. 
One lane of traffic will flow across the roundabout west to east from Station Road west to Station Road east. Traffic wishing to travel east to west will use Westmorland Way to connect to Station Road west. This east-west lane will involve a temporary surface. This arrangement will be in place for approximately six weeks. 
This is shown in the image below: 
A further phase of roundabout construction will then see a continuation of this overall approach but with the traffic that is travelling west to east moved onto the other side of the roundabout to allow the works at the north end of the new roundabout to be completed. This will last for three weeks. 
This is shown in the image below: 
Throughout these two phases access will still be maintained between the Sainsbury's roundabout and the entrance to Manor Walks on Station Road,. The existing closures on the A1171 between the junction of Nelson Village and the Station Road roundabout will remain with the current diversions in place.  
The Council has liaised with Arriva and Phoenix Coaches about the proposed changes to help mitigate disruption to service users. 
Following the above works to the roundabout, the final phase of the overall works will be to undertake the necessary work on Station Road. This will involve full closures of Station Road on the east and west legs of the roundabout, with traffic then travelling north to south and south to north via the A1171 Crow Hall Lane and Westmorland Way and using necessary diversions.  
During the developers works to Station Road, the County Council will also be carrying out a planned  maintenance scheme to Station Road west usring the same road closure, to avoid future disruption in this area.  
The final phase of works to Station Road is expected to take around eight weeks after which all the roads should be opened. 
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