Image demonstrating Council to offer affordable homes for rent in Longframlington 

Council to offer affordable homes for rent in Longframlington 

Northumberland County Council has purchased two new houses in Longframlington which it will rent out at an affordable rent to local people in housing need.  
The council has acquired the three-bedroomed houses which are part of the Cussins development being built at Brinkburn Place, Longframlington. 
Development has already commenced on this site and is anticipated that the two homes, which are at the entrance of the development, will be completed by March 2023.    
They will be offered for affordable rent at 75% of the market rate to those on the county Homefinder waiting list. Priority will be given through the local lettings policy to those who have worked or lived in the parish or the adjoining parish or have a strong connection to it. 
Anyone interested in the properties can join the Homefinder waiting list and bid for them via 
There are a total of six affordable units on this 36-home development. The remaining four will be offered for Shared Ownership with 30 properties on sale at the market rate. 
Northumberland County Councillor, Colin Horncastle, cabinet member with responsibility for housing said: 
“We know from the Homefinder data that that there is a need for three bedroomed, family houses for rent within the village  
“The Brinkburn Place development will provide good quality family homes that are energy efficient and therefore lower cost to run, that are integrated into a well-designed, small estate on the edge of the village.” 
The Longframlington Neighbourhood Plan, made in March 2022 and supported by local residents, has a particular focus on providing affordable homes to meet the need of young local families. 
Ward councillor Trevor Thorne said: “A thriving community needs people of all ages living in it and to achieve this we have to help create somewhere they can afford to live. 
“Young local residents have changing accommodation needs as their families grow and these three-bedroomed council homes will allow two families to remain living in the local community who may otherwise have had to move from the area to find the right size accommodation. This in turn will potentially free up two smaller family homes in the local community which could benefit others in housing need.” 
“The housing on this new estate is attractive, a good size and has a real village feel to it. It will be a real asset to Longframlington.”  
Northumberland County Council has allocated £48.2m in its budget to help provide more affordable housing in the county, in areas of greatest need. 
It is using a range of approaches including working  to identify potential development sites, working with housing developers to deliver affordable housing through S106 agreements in the planning process and facilitating community led schemes, to support the delivery of affordable housing where it is needed most. 
It has also put policies in place through the planning system to restrict the use of new build homes as second and holiday homes. 
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