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Final call for Northumberland businesses to outline their skills needs

To complete the survey employers should go toĀ 

Northumberland businesses have until Monday 19 July to let Northumberland County Council know their current and future skills and recruitment needs.
The council is running an online survey of businesses, which will close at midnight on 19 July.
The Employer Skills Survey has been designed to help the council and partner agencies to determine the right training, development and skills programmes to put in place to help businesses in the county to grow and prosper, and the economy to recover.
The survey asks about vocational as well as more ‘soft skills’ like communication and leadership, and also explores what types of training businesses have already accessed, and any barriers to gaining suitable training.
The council wants this survey to start an ongoing dialogue about skills with Northumberland employers; to help them to work together to meet their needs and also to get more Northumberland residents into good quality roles within local businesses.
Cllr Wojciech Ploszaj, Cabinet Member for Business at Northumberland County Council, said: “As we move towards economic recovery in our county following Covid-19, we are very keen to support businesses in meeting skills gaps that they may have.
“We want to hear from as many businesses as possible, so that we can understand their recruitment skills needs, and therefore how the council and partner agencies can best support them.
“We have a new deadline for this survey, and I urge business owners to complete it.  Even if you don’t have specific needs now it will help us to track requirements over time. 
"As the economy moves towards fully opening up, responses will be used to help the Council and partners agencies to best support current and future skills and recruitment needs.”
Northumberland County Council works with partners and funding agencies to deliver a range of learning and skills support programmes, and the outcomes of this survey will help to develop and tailor these directly to current and future business needs.
To complete the survey employers should go to 
Employers are asked to respond to the survey by Monday 19 July 2021.

To complete the survey employers should go toĀ 

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