Speech, Language & Communication Service

The Speech, Language and Communication Team of Northumberland County Council offer tailored support for children and young people whose spoken language difficulties are affecting their achievement and progress in school.

The Speech, Language and Communication Team of Northumberland County Council offer tailored support for children and young people whose spoken language difficulties are affecting their achievement and progress in school.

The team is made up of:

  • Two dually qualified Specialist Teachers/Speech and Language Therapists 
  • Three Specialist Language and Communication Teachers
  • One Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
  • One Senior Specialist Assistant for Speech and Language 
  • Seven Specialist Assistants for Speech and Language

Our Speech and Language Therapists have their practice regulated nationally by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). 

We work to extend the skills and knowledge of school staff and, where appropriate, provide tailored programmes to meet the identified needs of children and young people referred to our service.

The team offers a range of support, which may include:

  • a speech and language assessment
  • individual targeted work relating to spoken language (usually delivered by a Specialist Teaching Assistant)
  • group interventions
  • recommendations
  • advice and strategies directly linked to the curriculum 
  • resource sharing
  • support for parents and carers
  • a comprehensive range of bespoke and accredited training to school staff

Support is offered for children with delayed and disordered speech and language, as well as children whose phonological awareness difficulties are impacting upon their literacy acquisition.

Who to refer to HINT SLCS or NHS SLT?

SLCS Core Offer

Watch this video - information for school

SLCS Information

Support Speech, Language and Communication Padlet

SLCS Training Opportunities (padlet.com)

SCHOOLS ONLY Click here to book an appointment on the SLCS consultation line




Elklan Training for Vulnerable Young People

Request for Individual Support

The service accepts requests for support from school staff only. To access support for individual pupils, you MUST complete the following forms:

Northumberland Inclusive Education Services 'Individual Request for Support'
and the
SLCS Checklist

The request for support MUST be accompanied by evidence of a graduated response to meet the identified need: 

  • ​SEN Support Plan showing at least one but preferably 2 evaluated cycles of intervention. 

The Interventions targeted should be relevant to the presenting concern highlighted. 

Please note: evidence of a graduated response is not required in the following circumstances: 

  • Speech difficulties causing significant intelligibility issues 
  • ​Learner new to Northumberland County displaying significant need
  • EAL new arrivals  
  • a sudden acute change of circumstances 

The forms can be filled in electronically and emailed to the team, or printed and posted.

NB.  A Signed Parental consent is required for all individual requests for support.
A digital consent form is available on request.  The form MUST be completed and returned from the parent/carer's personal email account.

Request for Whole School Support

School staff should use this form to request training, whole class support, small group work, school development work, etc. 

The form can be filled in electronically and emailed to the team, or printed and posted.  

Whole school referral form

Information is stored according to Northumberland County Council’s policies and adheres to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Service Manager - Fiona Tarn
Office Manager - Helen Robson/Linda Dunn

Information is stored according to Northumberland County Council’s policies and adheres to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).