Northumberland County Council runs eight day centres helping more than 170 adults with learning disabilities to acquire new skills.
Our day centres help more than 170 adults with learning disabilities to acquire new skills. These include learning to grow plants, make cakes, and reclaim, recycle and sell pre-loved old furniture. The day centres offer a great opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people and develop confidence and self-esteem while preparing for future employment or voluntary work. Wherever possible, activities are delivered in the local community, making it easier for people to attend on a regular basis.
The Northstar Centre supports adults with learning, physical and sensory disabilities. Activities include Makaton (Silent Sounds) communication with sign language, performing arts including music, dance, and drama, fashion shows, health and wellbeing sessions and yoga. We welcome visits to the centre and offer taster sessions to those interested in attending. Contact details The Northstar Centre St Mary's Castlegate Berwick TD15 Phone: (01289) 305 105 Follow us on facebook
The Pottergate Centre supports adults with learning, physical and sensory disabilities. Staff and service users take part in a range of events throughout the year at Alnwick Gardens and many seasonal events. Activities include arts and crafts, music, sensory and relaxation, creative design and fashion shows, the Rhythm Stix drumming group, as well as karaoke, bingo, quizzes and coffee afternoons. Pottergate Pantry Pottergate Pantry provides training and work experience to service users with different abilities. The pantry supplies a number of outlets in the community and specialise in frozen meals, cakes biscuits and tray bakes. The Potting Shed The Potting Shed offers work experience in gardening and other related activities. The main focus is growing plants and vegetables and maintaining the Pottergate Centre gardens. In 2023 the gardening group was awarded the level 5 outstanding award from RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood. Contact details The Pottergate Centre Howling Lane Alnwick NE66 1DJ Phone: (01665) 602 181 Follow us on Facebook
The centre offers a welcoming, relaxing environment which provides therapeutic, recreational and work activities. Each person has their own weekly timetable that takes into account their interests and choices. People are supported to participate and contribute to their fullest ability, enjoying new experiences and learning new skills. Activities include arts and crafts, music, cookery, gardening, new age curling, switch fit and armchair exercises. Contact details Mowbray Day Centre Stakeford Lane Stakeford Choppington Northumberland NE62 5HQ Phone: (01670) 536230
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Blyth Riverside Resource Centre offers service users the opportunity to take part in a range of group activities including gardening, music, cooking, arts and crafts, games and sensory activities, as well as day trips, centre-based discos, “Wacky” sport days, pantomimes, bowling and Christmas Fairs. . Blyth Riverside also has a multi-sensory room and an offsite accessible allotment. Service users organise events and are involved in an annual football competition at the local leisure centre. The service can provide shared transport for service users who are unable to travel independently and has three wheelchair accessible vehicles. Contact details Blyth Riverside Resource Centre Coniston Road Blyth Riverside Business Park Blyth NE24 4RQ Phone: (01670) 353 276
The Tynedale Centre offers a variety of educational, social, therapeutic and employment opportunities to broaden life experiences and enable service users to have a real presence in their community and participate in local community facilities. Activities include arts and crafts, music, gardening, ten pin bowling, walking, cookery and Makaton sign language, as well horse riding at RDA Pegasus stables in Morpeth and swimming at Wentworth leisure centre. The Centre of Recycling Enterprise The Centre of Recycling Enterprise (CORE) was established in 2006 and is a social firm specialising in the recycling of furniture and electrical goods. The enterprise provides essential training, work experience and paid employment to service users and volunteers with different abilities. Telephone: 01434 607509 Contact details The Tynedale Centre Unit 13 Haugh Lane Industrial Estate Hexham NE46 3PU Phone: (01434) 605 245 Follow us on Facebook
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