Sexual health & contraceptive services

This page talks about sexual health and contraception services provided by Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust.

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provides sexual health services throughout Northumberland for people of all ages, genders and sexualities, including dedicated sessions specifically for young people aged 13 to 25.

These services provide open access to everyone aged 13 and above for issues including:
  • contraceptive advice and services, including the contraceptive pill, long-acting reversible forms of contraception such as implants and coils, and free condoms for under 25s through the 'C Card' scheme
  • emergency contraception
  • pregnancy tests, advice, and support including decision-making options
  • screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia and HIV
  • cervical smears
  • telephone advice
  • support, counselling, and sex therapy
  • referral to agencies, including abortion services
Please click here for free, confidential advice and information about sexual health (including clinic times).

The NHS website also provides helpful advice on a number of topics, such as gentiail health and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Please click here to explore the NHS Sexual Health Hub.