School meals

Children can be entitled to free school meals if they or a parent receive a qualifying benefit.

We are extremely passionate about providing good-quality Food to children. We ensure that all children attending council-managed schools within Northumberland have access to healthy meals, which are made using as much local produce as possible.

We produce menus that follow the food standards provided by the government. Some schools do choose to manage their own catering services. If this applies to your school, please speak to your school cook about their menus.

Dietary requirements

We cater for a variety of special diets, including dairy-free, coeliac, and lactose-free diets. If your child has any dietary requirements, please contact their school cook directly.
How free school meals work, and for information on how to apply for free school meals.

Universal free school meals

All pupils in reception, year one, and year two are entitled to a free meal, without having to apply for this option. However, if you feel you may be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) it is important that you apply immediately as FSM eligibility means other resources may be available to the school and your child including pupil premium. Please consider an eligibility check for FSM when applying to a School, please do not wait until your child is in year 3.

Eligibility for free school meals The government has made amendments to the eligibility criteria since April 2018. This is to reflect the introduction of Universal Credit.  Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:

  • Universal Credit
  • Provided you have an annual net income of no more than £7,400
  • This is assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit run on
  • Paid four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

However, if you feel you may be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) it is important that you apply immediately as FSM eligibility means other resources may be available to the school and your child including pupil premium. Please consider an eligibility check for FSM when applying to a School, please do not wait until your child is in year 3.

What do the changes to free school meals mean?

Most people won't be affected by the new criteria. If you're currently claiming free school meals, but don't meet the new criteria, your child will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit roll-out period.  The roll-out period isn't scheduled to end until March 2025. Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, your child will keep their free school meals entitlement until the end of their current phase of education, i.e primary to secondary.

Apply for free school meals


Free school meals application form


Revenues and Benefits

Benefit details for applications can be checked on receipt. However, if confirmation cannot be found, you will be contacted to provide proof of benefit. Revenues and Benefits Privacy Notice.

We follow the catering standards set by the government. This is to ensure that your child is fuelled throughout the day.

Our current menu

We offer a Summer and Winter menu.  Please see your school website for the current menus.  
In first and primary schools, meal prices cost up to £2.50 for two-course meals. However, each school sets its own price.  

There are individual items available in middle and secondary schools for Mid-morning Break and Lunch time service  
Please check with your school for their prices. 


In the first instance, please contact your school’s catering manager for information about allergies, which are available on request. 

We also provide Allergy and Carb count menus to schools.

Methods of payment 

There are different methods of payment available throughout the county: 

  • Cash 

  • Card 

  • Parent Pay 

  • Cashless system 

For further information, please contact your school directly. 


Our promise to parents 

We promise to: 

  • Produce a compliant three-week cycle menu.

  • Offer all children with a nutritionally balanced two-course meals. 

  • Offer children healthy choices for everything we serve.

  • Explore new ways of encouraging children to choose a healthy diet. 

  • Provide special diets where requested.

  • Use only quality food and ingredients.  

  • Instruct our suppliers to only supply products that comply with the food standards.  

  • Carry out product testing on all new food items before use. 

Continue to consult with our customers in menu development.

Your Choice menu

Your Choice has been developed for first and primary schools with the aim of delivering a desirable and individual menu choices. The concept behind the initiative is that schools will have ownership of their own catering and will be able to develop a suitable menu for their school , encouraging more children to stay for a school lunch. 
The menu has three main meal choices, plus a vegetarian option, with each school choosing one of the three main courses on offer, daily, throughout the three-week cycle. This is a standard menu and children with special dietary requirements will be catered for in the usual way. 
The menu choice is decided in partnership with: 

  • The unit manager  

  • Headteacher  

  • School council  

  • School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG)  

  • Children 

Packed lunches brought into school from home can be high in fat, sugar and salt. Schools can introduce a packed lunch policy, giving parents guidance on what to include when providing a packed lunch.

All schools are different, so please contact your individual school for more information. 
Northumberland County Council prides itself on the development of staff. We encourage and support self-development, with NVQ2 professional cookery and CIEH level three awards in supervising food safety.

As the catering provider, we realise the importance of working closely with schools, and we encourage introducing curriculum to the kitchen. 
We provide staff with ideas for theme days, with menu ideas/recipes. These can be calendar events, a day celebrating world cuisine for example, that could link with the curriculum. 
If you are interested in working for Northumberland County Council’s catering team, click here to view any current vacancies
Below are some useful links to resources and information about healthy eating and school meals: