Housing benefit additional help & advice

If you already claim housing benefit and need additional financial help, there are a number of different ways we may be able to help.

Discretionary housing payments (DHPs) provide financial support with rent or housing costs

You can apply for a DHP if you currently get either:
Each award is wholly at the discretion of Northumberland County Council.

discretionary housing payment policy

What a DHP can cover

DHP can help people with housing costs, including those affected by:

  • the benefit cap

  • removal of the spare room subsidy in the social rented sector

  • Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates

You may get a DHP to cover housing costs for:

  • a rent shortfall

  • rent deposits

  • rent in advance if you need to move home

NOTE: these are only examples of when we may pay a DHP. If your circumstances are different, you should still apply.

What a DHP cannot cover
  • ineligible service charges

  • increases in rent due to outstanding arrears

  • sanctions and reductions in any benefit following benefit related offences

  • suspended housing benefit or universal credit

  • rent, when you are getting council tax support (but not housing benefit or housing costs in universal credit)

  • shortfalls caused by housing benefit or universal credit overpayment recovery

Apply for a DHP online

Complete the Discretionary Housing Payment form

Should you have any queries regarding Discretionary Housing Payments please contact the Benefits Team:

  • Email: benefits@northumberland.gov.uk
  • Telephone: 0345 600 6400 (charged at your local rate) 

How much could I receive?

Each case is looked at individually and depends on the circumstances.
We cannot guarantee you will receive a payment.
The following are some examples of the things we will consider:

  • your income and savings
  • if anyone else in your house can help you
  • if you have any loans or debts
  • if you could manage your money better
  • if anyone in your family is ill or disabled
  • if you have tried to right the situation yourself

Please note: for housing benefit we cannot give you more than your total rent (less amounts for electricity or water).

What do I do if my circumstances have changed?

  • If your circumstances change, inform us immediately.
  • If the change means we have to reduce your discretionary housing payment, you may have to pay back some or all of the payment we have already paid to you.
  • rent where it has been restricted by the rent officer, and your housing benefit award is less than the rent charged
  • reductions in your housing benefit or Universal Credit entitlement following changes to the local housing allowance restrictions or social sector size criteria where the number of bedrooms are restricted
  • increases in essential work-related expenditure, such as increased fares to work if you have had to move because you could no longer afford to live near your work following a reduction in your local housing allowance rate
  • a rent deposit or advance for a property you are yet to move into if you are already entitled to housing benefit or Universal Credit housing element for your present home and already live in Northumberland, if you are moving to Northumberland you will need to contact the Local Authority where you currently live
  • help if you have a disabled child or are disabled and live in significantly adapted accommodation
  • benefit cap reductions
Please note that these are only examples of when we may pay a discretionary housing payment. If your circumstances are different, you should still apply.
  • ineligible service charges
  • increases in rent due to outstanding arrears
  • sanctions and reductions in any benefit following benefit related offences
  • suspended housing benefit or universal credit
  • rent when you are getting council tax support, but not housing benefit or help with housing costs in universal credit
  • shortfalls caused by housing benefit or universal credit overpayment recovery

Complete the discretionary housing payment online form, email the form along with your supporting evidence to benefits@northumberland.gov.uk

Contact 0345 600 6400 (charged at your local rate) to request a discretionary housing payment form.

Download, print & complete
If you are unable to access the above online form, you may wish to print this discretionary housing payment application form, then complete and post it along with your supporting evidence to the 
Benefit Section, Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2EF

How much we award depends on your circumstances but we cannot guarantee you will receive a payment. Each case is looked at individually. The following are some examples of the things we will consider:
  • your income and savings
  • if anyone else in your house can help you
  • if you have any loans or debts
  • if you could manage your money better
  • if anyone in your family is ill or disabled
  • if you have tried to right the situation yourself
Please note: for housing benefit we cannot give you more than your total rent (less amounts for electricity or water).
There is no formal right of appeal to a tribunal. If you disagree with a decision you must write to Northumberland County Council straightaway at the address below explaining what you disagree with and why. You should supply information and evidence to support what you say. The decision will be reviewed and, if necessary referred to a Review Panel 

Benefit Section
Northumberland County Council
County Hall
NE61 2EF
If your circumstances change, inform us immediately. If the change means we have to reduce your discretionary housing payment, you may have to pay back some or all of the payment we have already paid to you.
Northumberland Emergency Transition Support (NETS) provides crisis support to residents of Northumberland.

For further information on Northumberland Emergency Transition Support (NETS) please click here
If your job finishes due to redundancy or a voluntary severance scheme, you may need to claim social security benefits.

Payments you get from your employer in these situations may affect benefits and the rules surrounding this are complicated.

Therefore, we recommend you always seek independent advice.

Gov.uk provide guidance on finding work, claiming benefits, managing debts and pensions if you’re being made redundant. 

MoneyHelper brings together the support and services of three government-backed financial guidance providers: the Money Advice Service, the Pensions Advisory Service and Pension Wise
If you are concerned about managing your money, or you have debts – try not to worry – but do not ignore your problem. If you cannot pay your rent because of money problems, you may be evicted from your home. You must ask for help.

If you are struggling to live on the money you have, or are experiencing problems with debt, you may want to think about whether you are getting all the benefits or tax credits you are entitled to.

For more information and advice, visit gov.uk.

The central government money advice section offers a wide range of public service information and links to other organisations you may find useful if you are looking for help/advice.