SEND Local Offer in Northumberland

The Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents or carers.

Support services

The links below will direct you to our Northumberland SEND Local Offer website where you can find a range of local services, including education, health, and social care, in one place.

Understanding SEND: Key terms and definitions

Learn more about key terms and definitions surrounding Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) in our SEND definitions guide.

Northumberland SEND Local Offer explained

See what it means for you in our Northumberland SEND video guide.

Concerned about your child’s development?

If you have questions about your child’s development, find help on the child development support page.

Support for early years and childcare

Discover early years support for families with children aged 0-5, including childcare, council services, and Family Hubs on the Early Years and Childcare page.

Education and school support services

Find out how schools, education settings, and council services support learners and their families on the Education and Schools page.

Planning for adulthood with SEND support

Search for support to help young people with SEND prepare for adult life on the Preparing for Adulthood page.

Health services for children and young people with SEND

Find out more about health support services for different needs on the Health Services page.

Social care support for SEND families

Learn about the social care support available to help with family life, including short breaks, on the Social Care page.

Transport services for school and college

Get information about school and college transport, including how to apply for concessionary travel, on the Transport page.

Leisure activities for children and young people

Find activities for children and young people to enjoy with their family and friends on the Leisure page.

Information, advice, and support services

Search a range of information, advice, and support services to get the right help at the right time on the Information , Advice, and Support page.

Share your feedback on SEND services

Tell us what is working well and what needs to change so we can improve our services on the Feedback page.