Transport asset management plan (TAMP)

The plan sets out how we will manage our highways network, catering for all modes of transport and ensuring it is fit for purpose for the future.

Transport asset management plan (TAMP) policy & strategy

The plan sets out how we will manage our highways network, catering for all modes of transport and ensuring it is fit for purpose for the future.

The policy and strategy sets out the plans:

  • aims
  • themes
  • levels of service
  • asset groups and how they are managed
  • performance monitoring
  • overarching processes

The policy and strategy is based on the fundamental principles. These are set out in national guidance documents. 


Overarching aim

The overarching aim to be adopted by the county council in respect of managing and maintaining highways and transport is: 

  • “To provide a fully integrated, safe, reliable and sustainable network of transport assets, recognising the need to cater for all modes of transportation in a modern and dynamic society without acting to the detriment of future users.”  

Key themes

The four key themes that have been adopted for highways management in Northumberland reflect those in the well-maintained highways code of practice. 

  • Safety- Improve standards on the network to reduce the number of road traffic casualties. 
  • Serviceability- Improve the condition of transport assets and develop the extent to support a fully integrated, suitably available and reliable network which contributes to the wider objectives of Northumberland. 
  • Sustainability- Protect the financial and environmental value of the asset by maximising the benefits of partnership working with both internal and external agencies and paying careful consideration to the impacts of all actions on climate change. 
  • Customer service- Ensure that transport assets provide community focussed solutions.