Local transport plan

The council's third local transport plan (LTP) covers the period from April 2011 to 2026. It explains the 15-year transport strategy for the county, the problems faced and what we propose to do about them. A four-year implementation plan shows short-term plans in partnership with other organisations and agencies.

Local transport plan

The council's third local transport plan (LTP) covers the period from April 2011 to 2026. It explains the 15-year transport strategy for the county, the problems faced and what we propose to do about them. A four-year implementation plan shows short-term plans in partnership with other organisations and agencies.

Transport is hugely important to the North East. The collaborative working of both Combined Authorities allows swift decision making. This ensures our local needs and transport priorities are delivered.

Transport North East works on behalf of the region’s Combined Authorities. They develop strategies and deliver substantial funding for schemes which will change the future of regional transport. 

 The North East Joint Transport Committee brings together a total of seven members from each of the Constituent Authorities of the region:

  • Four Members from the North East Combined Authority
  • Three Members from the North of Tyne Combined Authority including Northumberland County Council

The North East Transport Plan sets out our region’s transport aspirations up to 2035.

It brings to life our transport aspirations. It includes a live programme of around 243 schemes which equal at least £6.8bn of transport investment. A figure which will grow over the lifespan of the Plan. 

For more information go to the Transport North East website