Transport plans

The council's third local transport plan (LTP) covers the period from April 2011 to 2026.


Image showing Local transport plan

Local transport plan

The council's third local transport plan (LTP) covers the period from April 2011 to 2026. It explains the 15-year transport strategy for the county, the problems faced and what we propose to do about them. A four-year implementation plan shows short-term plans in partnership with other organisations and agencies.

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Image showing Transport asset management plan (TAMP)

Transport asset management plan (TAMP)

The plan sets out how we will manage our highways network, catering for all modes of transport and ensuring it is fit for purpose for the future.

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Image showing Creating a resilient transport network

Creating a resilient transport network

Key short term recommendations for the local highway network so it is as resilient as possible.

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Image showing Road resurfacing fund

Road resurfacing fund

Funding has been secured for Road surfacing works. Find out how this will be used.

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